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Newsletter Order Form

You can order individual issues of the Sinclair Lewis Society Newsletter for $5.00 each or order the entire set for $200.00. The Sinclair Lewis Society Newsletter is complimentary for members, so please visit our membership form if you are interested in joining the Society.

  1. Print this page (printing in black and white rather than color is faster).
  2. Choose your membership and fill out the form.
  3. Send the form with your check or money order to:

The Sinclair Lewis Society
Illinois State University
Campus Box 4240
English Department
Normal, IL 61790-4240

Please choose a category below:

  • ____ Life Membership – $600
  • ____ Sustaining Membership – $60
  • ____ Individual Membership – $15
  • ____ Family / Joint Membership – $20
  • ____ Student / Retiree Membership – $10

Name: _________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

City: _______________________ State: ________________ Zip: ___________________

Would you like to join a Sinclair Lewis Listserv?

  • ___Yes. My e-mail is: __________________________________________________
  • ___No.

Please indicate which issues you would like, by both season & year, and volume & issue numbers (for example, Spring 2002, Vol. 1 No. 1). Refer to our newsletter page if you need to. Remember, each issue is $5.00. If you need more space, continue on the back of this page.

Season & YearVolume & Issue NumbersQty.Total


___ I would like the entire set for $200.00

Thank you for your interest in the Sinclair Lewis Society!

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