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Miscellaneous Scholarly Works

Adamic, Louis. “‘Red’ Lewis.” My America. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1938.

Anderson, David D. “Sinclair Lewis and the Midwestern Tradition.” Sinclair Lewis at 100: Papers Presented at a Centennial Converence. Ed. Michael Connaughton. St. Cloud: St. Cloud State University, 1985. 253-65.

—. “Sinclair Lewis and the Nobel Prize.” MidAmerica 8 (1981): 9-21.

Anderson, Sherwood. “Four American Impressions: Gertrude Stein, Paul Rosenfeld, Ring Lardner, Sinclair
Lewis.” New Republic October 11, 1922: 171-73. Rpt. in Sinclair Lewis: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Mark Schorer.

Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1966.

Atlas, James. “Speaking Ill of the Dead.” New York Times Magazine November 6, 1988: 40-48.

Austin, Allen. “An Interview with Sinclair Lewis.” University of Kansas City Review 24 (1958): 199-210.

Bain, David Haward. “A House and a Household.” Kenyon Review 11 (1989): 86-99.

Beck, Warren. “How Good is Sinclair Lewis?” Critical Essays on Sinclair Lewis. Ed. Martin Bucco. Boston:
G. K. Hall, 1986. 95-103.

Belgion, Montgomery. “How Sinclair Lewis Works.” Bookman 65 (January 1924): 195-96.

Benet, William Rose. “The Earlier Lewis.” Saturday Review January20, 1934: 421-22.

Berg, Adelyne. “Sinclair Lewis and Rules.” The Writer 74 (August 1961): 12-13, 37.

Bloom, Harold. Introduction. Sinclair Lewis. Modern Critical Views. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1987. 1-4.

Brune, Ruth E. “Sinclair Lewis.” English Journal 44 (1955): 477-78.

Bucco, Martin, ed. Critical Essays on Sinclair Lewis. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1986.

—. “The Serialized Novels of Sinclair Lewis.” Western American Literature 4 (1969): 29-37. Rpt. in
Sinclair Lewis. Modern Critical Views, ed. Harold Bloom, andCritical Essays on Sinclair Lewis. ed. Martin Bucco .

—. “Sinclair Lewis and ‘The Greatest American Novelist.'” Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial Newsletter 29.1 (1985): 3-4.

—. “Sinclair Lewis, Max Besont, and Henry James.” Henry James Review 13 (1992): 90-91.

—. “Sinclair Lewis’s Newsweek Essays.” Sinclair Lewis at 100: Papers Presented at a Centennial
. Ed. Michael Connaughton. St. Cloud: St. Cloud State University, 1985. 179-89.

—. “Sinclair Lewis on Authorship.” Sinclair Lewis: New Essays in Criticism. Ed. James M. Hutchisson. Troy,
New York: Whitston, 1997. 173-84.

Bunge, Nancy L. “The Midwestern Novel: Walt Whitman Transplanted.” Old Northwest 3 (1977): 275-87.

Chabris, Daniel D. “Sinclair Lewis: An Exhibition at the Grolier Club.” Gazette of the Grolier Club N.S. 37 (1985): 45-82.

Coard, Robert. “Names in the Fiction of Sinclair Lewis.” Georgia Review 16 (1962): 318-29.

Compton, Ida L. Sinclair Lewis at Thorvale Farm: A Personal Memoir. Sarasota: Ruggles Publishing, 1988.

Conroy, Stephen S. “Sinclair Lewis’s Sociological Imagination.” American Literature 42 (1970): 348-62.Rpt. in Sinclair Lewis. Modern Critical Views., ed. Harold Bloom.

Daniels, Howell. “Sinclair Lewis and the Drama of Dissociation.” The American Novel and the Nineteen Twenties.

Eds. Malcom Bradbury and David Palmer. Stratford-Upon-Avon Studies 13. London: Edward Arnold, 1971. Rpt. in Sinclair Lewis. Modern Critical Views., ed. Harold Bloom

Davis, Jack L. “Mark Schorer’s Sinclair Lewis.” Sinclair Lewis Newsletter 3 (1971): 3-9.

Davis, Mary Byrd. “Helicon Hall: An Experiment in Living.” Kentucky Review 1.3 (1980): 29-51.

De Wagstaffe, W. “As Sinclair Sees the Rest of Them.” New York Times Book Review and Magazine. May 29,
1921: 10, 30.

Davison, Richard Allan. “Sinclair Lewis, Charles G. Norris, and Kathleen Norriss: An Early Friendship.” Modern Fiction Studies 31 (1985): 503-10.

Dooley, D. J. The Art of Sinclair Lewis. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1967.

Dupree, Ellen Phillips. “Wharton, Lewis and the Nobel Prize Address.” American Literature 56 (1984): 262-

Fleming, Robert E. “Recent Research on Sinclair Lewis.” Modern Fiction Studies 31 (1985): 609-16.

—. “A Sinclair Lewis Checklist: 1976-1985.” Sinclair Lewis at 100: Papers Presented at a Centennial
. Ed. Michael Connaughton. St. Cloud: St. Cloud State University, 1985. 267-70.

Fleming, Robert E., and Esther Fleming. Sinclair Lewis: A Reference Guide. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1980.

Forseth, Roger. “‘Alcoholite at the Altar’: Sinclair Lewis, Drink, and the Literary Imagination.” Modern Fiction Studies 31 (1985): 581-607.

—. “Can You Go Home Again? Sinclair Lewis: Main Street and Paris.” Sinclair Lewis: New Essays in
. Ed. James M.Hutchisson. Troy, New York: Whitston, 1997. 185-201.

—.”From the Lewis Archives I.” Sinclair Lewis Society Newsletter 3.2 (1995): 4-5.

—. “That First Infirmity of Noble Mind: Sinclair Lewis, Fame-and Drink.” Sheffield (England): Sheffield
Academic Press, 1994. 216-24.

Grebstein, Sheldon N. Sinclair Lewis. New York: Twayne, 1962.

—. “Sinclair Lewis and the Nobel Prize.”Western Humanities Review 13 (1959): 163-71.

—. “Sinclair Lewis’s Unwritten Novel.” Philological Quarterly 37 (1958): 400-09. Rpt. in

Critical Essays on Sinclair Lewis. ed. Martin Bucco.

Greene, Donald. “With Sinclair Lewis in Darkest Saskatchewan.” Saskatchewan History 6 (1953): 47-52.

Guthrie, Ramon. “The ‘Labor Novel’ That Sinclair Lewis Never Wrote.” New York Herald Tribune Book
 February 10, 1952): 1, 6.

—. “Sinclair Lewis and the ‘Labor Novel.'” Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Letters
and the National Institute of Arts and Letters
 (1952): 68-82.

Harkness, Samuel. “Sinclair Lewis’s Sunday School Class.” Christian Century 43 (July 29, 1926): 938-39.

Hersey, John. “First Job.” Yale Review 76.2 (1987): 184-97.

Holtz, William. “Sinclair Lewis, Rose Wilder Lane, and the Midwestern Short Novel.” Studies in Short Fiction
24 (1987): 41-48.

Hutchisson, James M. “Edith Wharton and Grace Lewis.” Sinclair Lewis Society Newsletter 3.1 (1994): 5-6.

—, ed. Sinclair Lewis: New Essays in Criticism. Troy, NY: Whitson, 1997.

—. “Sinclair Lewis Manuscript Collections: A Descriptive Survey.” Bulletin of Bibliography 52.3 (1995): 229- 39.

Katona, Anna B. “Sinclair Lewis: His Reputation in Hungary.” Sinclair Lewis at 100: Papers Presented at
Centennial Conference
. Ed. Michael Connaughton. St. Cloud: St. Cloud State University, 1985. 65-73.

Kauffman, Bill. “Sinclair Lewis: It’s a Grand Republic.” America First! Its History, Culture, and Politics.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 1995. 117-27.

Kazin, Alfred. “The New Realism: Sherwood Anderson and Sinclair Lewis. In On Native Ground. New York:
Harcourt, Brace, 1942. Reprint, New York: Doubleday, 1956. Reprinted in Schorer, Critical Essays.

—. “Sinclair Lewis Revisted.” Gazette of the Grolier Club N.S. 37 (1985): 6-20.

Kelley, Edith Summers. “Helicon Hall: An Experiment in Living.” Ed. Mary Byrd Davis. Kentucky Review 1.3
(1980): 29-51.

Kiernan, Gerard Anthony. “Satire and Character Development in the Five Most Notable Novels of Sinclair
Lewis.” Diss. St. John’s University, 1987. DAI 47 (1987): 3427-3428A.

Killough, George, ed. Minnesota Diary, 1942-46, by Sinclair Lewis. Moscow: U of Idaho P, 2000.

—. “Sinclair Lewis’s ‘Minnesota Diary’ and His Devotion to Thoreau.” South Dakota Review 33.3-4 (1995): 218-27.

Koblas, John J., and Dave Page, eds. Selected Letters of Sinclair Lewis. Madison: Main Street Press, 1985.

Koblas, John J. Sinclair Lewis: Final Voyage. Madison: Main Street Press, 1985.

—. Sinclair Lewis: Home at Last. Bloomington, Minnesota: Voyageur, 1981.

Lewis, Grace Hegger. Half a Loaf. New York: Liveright, 1931.

—. “When Lewis Walked Down Main Street.” New York Times Magazine, July 3, 1960, 3, 28-29.

—. With Love from Gracie: Sinclair Lewis, 1912-1925. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1955.

Light, Martin. Introduction to Sinclair Lewis Special Issue. Modern Fiction Studies 31 (1985): 479-93.

—. The Quixotic Vision of Sinclair Lewis. West Lafayette: Purdue UP, 1975.

Lingeman, Richard. “Richard Lingeman and the New Sinclair Lewis Biography.” Interview By Sally E. Parry.
Sinclair Lewis Society Newsletter 3.2 (1995): 1-2.

—. Sinclair Lewis: Rebel From Main Street. New York: Random House, 2002.

Lockerbie, D. Bruce. “Sinclair Lewis and William Ridgway.” American Literature 36 (1964): 68-72.

Lundquist, James. Sinclair Lewis. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1973.

Manfred, Frederick. “Memories of Sinclair Lewis.” Gazette of the Grolier Club N.S. 37 (1985): 21-34.

Mason, Julian. “Sinclair Lewis’s Copy of Walden.” Thoreau Society Bulletin 173 (1985): 7.

McKenna, Bruce A. “Sinclair Lewis, a Professional Writer.” Diss. Brandeis University, 1989. DAI 49 (1989):

McLaughlin, Robert L. “‘Only kind thing is silence’: Ernest Hemingway vs. Sinclair Lewis.” Hemingway Review 6.2 (1987): 46-53.

Mencken, H. L. Letters of H. L. Mencken. Ed. Guy Forgue. New York: Knopf, 1961.

—. My Life as Author and Editor. Ed. and intro. by Jonathan Yardley. New York: Knopf, 1993.

Milne, W. Gordon. “Lewis’s Muted Influence as Artist and Social Commentator.” Sinclair Lewis at 100:
Papers Presented at a Centennial Conference
. Ed. Michael Conaughton. St. Cloud: St. Cloud State University, 1985. 87-93.

Moodie, Clara Lee R. “The Book That Has Never Been Published.” Sinclair Lewis at 100: Papers Presented
at a Centennial Conference
. Ed. Michael Conaughton. St. Cloud: St. Cloud State University, 1985. 201-12.

Morgan, Speer, and William Holtz. “Fragments from a Marriage: Letters of Sinclair Lewis to Grace Hegger
Lewis.” Missouri Review 11.1 (1988): 71-98.

Napier, James J. “Letters of Sinclair Lewis to Joseph Hergesheimer, 1915-1922.” American Literature 38
(1966): 236-47.

Olson, Roberta. Sinclair Lewis: The Journey. Sauk Centre, Minnesota: Robert Olson, 1990.

Orwoll, Mark. “A Battle in Bohemia: The Sinclair Lewis-Harold Stearns Feud.” Lost Generation Journal 9
(1989): 2-5.

Parry, Sally E. Foreword. Sinclair Lewis: A Descriptive Bibliography. By Stephen R. Pastore. New Haven:
YaleBooks, 1997. 11-12.

—. Introduction. Hike and the Aeroplane. By Sinclair Lewis. Ed. Stephen R. Pastore. Hawley, Penn.:
YaleBooks Press, 1999.

—. “Sinclair Lewis Studies: An Annotated Bibliography, 1977-1996.” Sinclair Lewis: New Critical Essays.
Ed. James M. Hutchisson. Troy: Whitston, 1997. 202-48. (Co-author with Robert L. McLaughlin)

—. “Sinclair Lewis: The Darkening Vision of His Later Novels.” Diss. Forham University, 1986. DAI (1986):

—. “Upton-Sinclair-Lewis: The Crossed Paths of Two American Reformer-Novelists.” Connecticut Review
16.1 (1994): 81-92.

—. “‘war is a horrible thing’: Looking at Lewis’s Political Philosophy Through Hike and the Aeroplane.”
Midwestern Miscellany 28 (2000): 32-40.

Person, James S., Jr. “Sinclair Lewis’s Best Decade.” Washington Times June 23, 1996: B7-8.

Petrullo, Helen B. “Dorothy Thompson’s Role in Sinclair Lewis’s Break with Harcourt, Brace.” Courier 8 (April 1971): 50-58.

Roth, Russell. “The Return of the Laureate: Sinclair Lewis in 1942.” South Dakota Review 7 (1969-1970): 3-

Schorer, Mark. Sinclair Lewis: An American Life. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1961.

—. “Sinclair Lewis and the Method of Half-Truths.” Sinclair Lewis: A Collection of Critical Essays.
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1966. Reprinted in Bloom, Modern Critical Interpretations.

Sheean, Vincent. Dorothy and Red. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1963.

Shelton, Frank W. “Thomas Wolfe and Sinclair Lewis.” Thomas Wolfe Review 12.1 (1988): 7-12.

Sherman, Stuart Pratt. The Significance of Sinclair Lewis. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1922.

Sodowsky, Alice Louise. “The Images of Women in the Novels of Sinclair Lewis.” Diss. Oklahoma State
University, 1978. DAI 38 (1978): 5485A.

Stallman, R. W. “Sinclair Lewis as Teacher.” New York Times Book Review October 22, 1961: 2.

Tanner, Stephen L. “Sinclair Lewis and the New Humanism.” Modern Age 33 (1990): 33-41.

Tavernier-Courbin, Jacqueline. “Harvey Taylor and Jack London’s Purchase of Sinclair Lewis’s Plots: A
Posthumous Saga.” Sinclair Lewis Society Newsletter 3.2 (1995): 6-8.

Thompson, Dorothy. “The Boy and Man From Sauk Centre.” Atlantic 206 (November 1960): 39-48.
Reprinted in Sheean, Dorothy and Red.

—. “Sinclair Lewis: A Postscript.” Atlantic Monthly 187 (June 1951): 73-74.

Tingley, Al. Corner on Main Street: True Story of the Innkeepers on Sinclair Lewis Avenue. St. Cloud,
Minnesota: Dauntless, 1984.

Tuerk, Richard. “Directed by Sinclair Lewis: The Good Neighbor by Jack L. Levin.” Journal of the American
Studies Association of Texas
 17 (1986): 21-26.

Tuttleton, James W. Introduction. Selected Short Stories of Sinclair Lewis. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1990. ix-

Vaccariello, Michele A. “Tutoring Sinclair Lewis: A Personal Account.” Ed. Martin Bucco. South Dakota
 26.2 (1988): 35-56.

Van Gelder, Robert. “Sinclair Talks of Writing-and Acting.” New York Times Book Review June 30, 1940: 2.

Wagenaar, Dick. “The Knight and the Pioneer: Europe and America in the Fiction of Sinclair Lewis.” American Literature 50 (1978): 230-49.

Waterman, Margaret. “Sinclair Lewis as Teacher.” College English 13 (1951): 87-90.

Young, Stephen A. “The Mencken-Lewis Connection.” Menckeniana 94 (1985): 10-16.

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