Undergraduate Courses
BSC 286: Animal Behavior
Adaptive significance of behavior and the proximate mechanisms underlying its expression. Emphasis is placed on an understanding of animal behavior within an evolutionary context. Lecture, lab and field trips. Offered every third semester. Prerequisites: BSC 196 and 197; BSC 201 or concurrent registration.

BSC 290: Research in Biological Sciences
Field and/or laboratory research in one of the biological sciences involving a participation in the scientific process with faculty and graduate students. Students are expected to work (on average) a minimum of 3 hours per week for each hour of credit. May be repeated; maximum of 4 hours from BSC 287, 298.01, 290, 299, or 398 may be counted toward major requirements. Prerequisites: Project proposals must be approved by a supervising faculty member and undergraduate advisor prior to registration.

BSC 305: Biological Evolution
Origin of life, molecular evolution, mechanisms of evolu- tionary change, natural selection, speciation, and contem- porary issues in evolutionary biology. Not for credit if had BSC 390. Prerequisites: BSC 201, 203, 219.

Graduate Courses
BSC 420.28: Graduate Seminar in Evolution
Topics in various fields of biology. May be repeated for credit.
BSC 486: Ethology
Behavior of animals under natural conditions. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BSC 199, or consent of instructor.