Main Speaker: Chantel Johnson – Founder of Off the Grid In Color

Chantel Johnson is passionate about helping lead people back to enjoying simple ways of living while reconnecting with their inner spirit. Chantel’s passions are effectuated every day. As a social worker, doula, and farmer, she is able to teach and show people a nontraditional way of living. In today’s day and age that’s just what the soul needs. After obtaining her Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from the University of Washington, she moved to North Carolina and began her farm journey. Her mission is simple: free the land. free the people. Ultimately she wants to encourage others to take steps towards greater self-sufficiency. As Chantel continued her journey down the path of agriculture and wellness, her life visions have continued to expand. She has since received her doula certification from G.R.R.A.C.E.E. National Doula Academy and has devoted her energies to advocating for better land access for BIPOC farmers, food sovereignty, and mental health.
Darcy Allred (Wyandotte), treasurer at TRIBE (Teaching, Reviving, Indigenizing, Beautifying, and Equalizing Illinois State University Chapter)

Darcy Allred (Wyandotte) is a PhD student in the Department of English, treasurer of TRIBE at ISU, and research assistant in the School of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University. Her research disciplines include literary and cultural studies, creative writing, rhetoric and composition with concentrations in decolonization, language revitalization, queer cultures and theories as well as solidarity across communities and disciplines.
Nick Frillman, Extension Educator University of Illinois, Local Food Systems & Small Farms

Nick Frillman is a Local Foods and Small Farms Educator serving Livingston, McLean & Woodford counties.
A fourth-generation graduate from University of Illinois, Frillman has a B.A. with a double major of Political Science and Spanish and a M.S. in Crop Science with a focus on crop production. Before joining Illinois Extension, Frillman was a vegetable farming apprentice with a small family vegetable farm in Sandy, Oregon. Frillman’s primary research and teaching focuses are sustainable vegetable production techniques, agroforestry systems management, small-to-medium scale cover cropping techniques, and specialty mushroom production. Other interests include non-chemical weed control strategies and establishment, monitoring and harvesting strategies for black currant, and other woody perennial crops.
Nitakechi “Nate” Muckintubbee, President at TRIBE (Teaching, Reviving, Indigenizing, Beautifying, and Equalizing Illinois State University Chapter)

Nitakechi “Nate” Muckintubbee, the president at TRIBE@ISU is a Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Meherrin Indigenous student from Peoria, Illinois currently studying History and Social Sciences Education at Illinois State University.
Caleb Phillips, coordinator of Sunnyside Community Garden & Food Forest

Caleb Phillips (Doctorate of Ministry in Leadership) and his family moved into this neighborhood 5 years ago. Caleb brings 8 years of farming experience (PrairiErth Farm) and over 10 years of community development work and research (South East Asia) to Sunnyside Community Garden where he serves as farm manager. He focuses his efforts on: growing food with his neighbors, providing jobs for teens in his neighborhood, serving his local church, and spending time with his wife and two kids.
Samantha Williams, Samantha Williams, Bread for Life Co – Op Coordinator

Home Sweet Home Ministries The Bread for Life Co-op is a membership-based program where individuals can use their own capability to provide food for themselves and their families. The co-op serves individuals and families struggling with chronic food security issues. Bread For Life gives individuals an opportunity to support themselves and experience dignity in the process. This approach allows them to share their gifts and talents to benefit themselves and others..
Gosia Zalewska, BSW student and intern at Home Sweet Home Ministries

Gosia Zalewska is a first generation undergraduate at Illinois State University and will be graduating in Spring 2022 with a BSW. She will be attending Aurora University in the Fall to get her Masters of Social Work with a focus in Leadership Management. She is currently both interning and working at Home Sweet Home Ministries to help those struggling with homelessness.