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Spanish Club is back!


The regular convo-hour is every Tuesday in STV-219 from 5:30-6:30pm.

Today, Tuesday, September 15th will be the kick off of the heritage  month with Salsa and more…!

The club will have two “NOCHE CULTURAL”. These are going to be any  other Thursday of the month. During these meetings cultural  presentations will be hosted  with guest  speakers. This Thursday,  September 17th the guest speaker is Unai Zaballa.

Saturday, September 19st: Field Trip to FIESTA Indianapolis Latino Festival(Members of the club FREE – Non-member $5 for transportation).

Quesadilla and Horchata sale is going to be on Monday, September  28th from 10-2pm  – Stevenson Hall – 1st floor.

The spanish Club will participate on the ISU Homecoming Parade with  other club and Honor Societies from our department, will have a “Day  of the Dead cultural presentation  and Fiesta de Disfraces in October   and Felices Fiestas in December.

They also will have two fundraiser activities this semester in order  to help two organizations on the community. One will be the 3nd  ZUMBATHON where 100% of the profit will be donated to the “After  School Program” at Western Avenue Community Center in Bloomington; and  “The Early Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner for a Good Cause” where the  beneficiary will be Center of Hope Food Pantry in Normal.

Please feel free to check our website at: or join us on FACEBOOK,  ISU Spanish Club

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