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Spanish Club is back!


The regular convo-hour is every Tuesday in STV-219 from 5:30-6:30pm.

Today, Tuesday, September 15th will be the kick off of the heritage  month with Salsa and more…!

The club will have two “NOCHE CULTURAL”. These are going to be any  other Thursday of the month. During these meetings cultural  presentations will be hosted  with guest  speakers. This Thursday,  September 17th the guest speaker is Unai Zaballa.

Saturday, September 19st: Field Trip to FIESTA Indianapolis Latino Festival(Members of the club FREE – Non-member $5 for transportation).

Quesadilla and Horchata sale is going to be on Monday, September  28th from 10-2pm  – Stevenson Hall – 1st floor.

The spanish Club will participate on the ISU Homecoming Parade with  other club and Honor Societies from our department, will have a “Day  of the Dead cultural presentation  and Fiesta de Disfraces in October   and Felices Fiestas in December.

They also will have two fundraiser activities this semester in order  to help two organizations on the community. One will be the 3nd  ZUMBATHON where 100% of the profit will be donated to the “After  School Program” at Western Avenue Community Center in Bloomington; and  “The Early Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner for a Good Cause” where the  beneficiary will be Center of Hope Food Pantry in Normal.

Please feel free to check our website at: or join us on FACEBOOK,  ISU Spanish Club

2nd. Meeting – Fall 2015

Spanish Club is back!!!

The Spanish Club will hold its second meeting of the Fall Semester on Tuesday, September 1. The meeting will be from 5:30 to 6:30pm in Stevenson Hall, room 219.

Introductions and information about the club will be discussed. Elections for a new Executive Board will be held.

Come for snacks and to get an idea what the year is going to be about. Also bring any new members you can think of. Any questions? Send an e-mail to

Muchas gracias y nos vemos el martes 1ro. de Septiembre en Stevenson Hall 219 a las 5:30 de la tarde!

Spanish Club – Cultural Experience Field Trip – Spring Break 2016

The Spanish Club will host Information Meetings for its 5th International Field Trip during Spring Break. The destination for Spring Break 2016 is COSTA RICA. The meetings will be on Tuesday, September 1st and Thursday, September 3rd in STV 219 at 7pm.

As our past trips, the aim of this Cultural Experience Field Trip is to highlight a full immersion Spanish program for 8 days. The trip includes language use, cultural experiences, and volunteer opportunity.

Share this information with your friends or classmates.

Please contact Marinelly Castillo-Zuniga, Spanish Club Advisor at, (203F Stevenson Hall) or call at 309-438-798410013213_10101952961202120_8205204631051976790_n




Noche Cultural de los jueves!

El martes 10 de febrero la hora de conversación sera reemplazada por “Noche Cultural”. El tema sera La cocina hispana, algo más que comida picante!

STV – 229 de 5:30pm a 6:30pm.
ropa-vieja-cubanaServiremos pan con chorizo, arepas venezolanas, papas a la huancaína, etc etc etc




The deadline for the Cultural Experience Field Trip to México in Spring Break 2015 is Friday, October 31

Interested students should contact Marinelly Castillo-Zuniga at or stop by in her office at Stevenson Hall 203F as soon as possible. 10325237_10102029556090350_8727560825943000570_nAs our past trips, the aim of this Cultural Experience Field Trip to México is to highlight a full immersion Spanish program for 8 days. The trip includes language use, cultural experiences, and volunteer opportunity.

Salsa Night to Celebrate the Hispanic Heritage Month with Spanish Club

Join the Spanish Club to celebrate the Kick Off of the Hispanic Heritage Month with a Salsa Night and More! This event will be on Tuesday, September 16 at 5:30pm in Stevenson Hall 401.

Everybody is welcome to come. 

Come by and celebrate, practice your Spanish, and have fun!

Unete al Club de Espanol para celebra el Mes de la Hispanidad con una noche de SALSA y algo mas!!!Este evento va a ser el martes 16 de septiembre a las 5:30pm en Stevenson Hall 401.

Todos son bienvenidos. Vengan a celebrar, a practicar su espanol y a pasarla bien! – salsa night revised

Hora de Conversación

Our meetings are on Tuesdays at 5:30pm in Stevenson Hall 229. Everybody is welcome to come. Come by and practice your spanish! P.S. You don’t have to be a member of the club to join us for convo hour ;o)

1925288_587525777996560_2039207449_nNuestras reuniones son los dias martes a las 5:30pm en Stevenson Hall 229. Tenemos nuestra hora de conversacion desde las 5:30 hasta las 6:30pm cada semana. Todos son bienvenidos. Vengan y practiquen su espanol! P.S. No necesitan ser miembros del club para venir a la hora de conversacion ;o)



1era. Reunión del año 2014-2015

Spanish Club Tendrá la primera reunión el martes, 26 de agosto en Stevenson Hall en el aula 229 a las 5:30pm.

Espero verlos!!! Serán las elecciones!

Si tienes suficiente tiempo para ponerle ganas como miembro de la junta directiva? si quieres mejorar tu español? si quieres tener nuevos amigos? si quieres aprender más sobre la cultura hispánica? El club de Español es para ti!

1238252_578545118872696_317783437_nTe esperamos! Tendremos refrigerios?

Noche Cultural! Jueves, enero 30

La 1era. Noche Cultural de este semestre, Privavera 2014, será el día jueves, 30 de enero. La invitada es una estudiante del programa de post grado, su nombre es Karen Gonzalez y ella nos hablará sobre: “La comida mexicana, algo más que tacos”.

Serviremos quesadillas, que rico!

Te esperamos en Stevenson Hall, 221B, a las 5:30pm!


DEADLINE to Sign Up for the COSTA RICA Cultural Experience Field Trip during Spring Break 2014

The DEADLINE to sign up for the Cultural Experience Field Trip to Costa Rica during Spring Break 2014 is on Monday, November 18th 2013. Please feel free to stop by on our advisor’s office at Stevenson Hall 203F or send her an e-mail at if you have any additional question or concern.

COSTA RICA189063_1683284118326_1124296288_31643579_6550936_n Cultural Experience Field Trip is sponsoring by the Spanish Club at the Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department. The aim of this trip is to highlight a full immersion Spanish program that includes language use, cultural experiences, and volunteer opportunity.

*Experience a new culture and way of life
*Explore distinct geographical terrains
*Bring classroom lessons to life
*Practice language skills in daily situations with natives of the country
*Gain independence and confidence
*Have fun with your friends and make new ones
*Unforgettable memories
*Diversity hours may qualify for teacher candidates



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