Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics is an open-access journal that publishes high-quality articles in mathematical biology. All articles are refereed by anonymous referees. If at least one of the authors is/was a graduate or undergraduate student at the time the project was completed, we require a faculty mentor as the corresponding author.
Spora is sponsored and published by the Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance, a consortium of universities collaborating to advance the study of biomathematics. The journal uses a continuous publishing system; articles appear online ahead of print upon acceptance. All articles in Spora are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Aims & Scope
Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics is a refereed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality manuscripts that describe mathematical and statistical techniques to solve problems in biological settings. Submitted papers may take various forms, including development and analysis of a mathematical model of a biological system, possibly including experimental work; development of a particular solution or method related to biological systems; or computational, statistical, or theoretical analysis of existing mathematical models in biology. Accepted papers demonstrate an appropriate range of interdisciplinary content and clear exposition, at a level expected from graduate or undergraduate student-driven research. Expository papers may be accepted if they are of exceptionally high quality.
Spora is further committed to publishing high-quality manuscripts describing novel findings in experimental biology. Manuscripts may be submitted to the Biology section across a wide range of biological disciplines, including, but not limited to, genetics, molecular and cellular biology, ecology and evolution, and physiology and neurobiology, along with interdisciplinary research in genomics and bioinformatics. Accepted papers present novel, well-supported findings in a clear and concise manner, at a level expected from student-driven research.
Journal Sections
Research in Mathematics
This section publishes high-quality articles of novel, as well as established, mathematical and statistical approaches to biological hypotheses. Manuscripts should employ an interdisciplinary approach and should be of interest to a wide spectrum of scientists from related fields. Interdisciplinary research from any sub-discipline within the life sciences in conjunction with any sub-discipline within the mathematical and statistical sciences will be considered.
Research in Biology
This section publishes high-quality articles communicating student-driven research in experimental biology. Research from any sub-discipline of biology will be considered, and manuscripts should be of general interest to the biological research community.
This section publishes high-quality expository articles that describe particular areas of mathematical biology research. Manuscripts may consist of undergraduate capstone projects, master’s projects, or reviews, consisting of critical and constructive analyses of the literature in a specific field. For reviews, it is also appropriate to include mention of relevant software or instrumentation.
Copyright Information
As an open-access journal, all content of Spora is freely available without charge to any user or institution. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.
Open Access Statement
As an open-access journal, all content of Spora is freely available without charge to any user or institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
Licensing Information
The license permitted by Spora is CC BY 4.0. Authors retain copyright of their work and grant usage rights. Readers have immediate free access to the work and may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, or pass them as data to software.