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Building an Assessment Plan & Program Review Schedule & Inventory Using Power BI

Assessment planning and program review planning are part of a process of continuous improvement. It’s just a process of continually evaluating and improving a program or activity.

University Assessment Services has created a built-in process for continuous improvement. It’s the Process for the Improvement of Academic Assessment Plans (PRAAP). PRAAP takes place a year before the program review process.

To help with planning, UAS has created an online PRAAP and program review schedule. The schedule can be filtered by college and program. An image of the schedule is below.

All assessment plans are inventoried on the UAS program assessment website. A comprehensive inventory is also included in the schedule. Programs can review the date the of their most recent assessment plan and annual assessment update submissions.

For more information about PRAAP and annual updates, contact Derek Meyers, University Assessment Services.

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