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Scientific Presentations and Publications

Below is a list of presentations made at regional, national and international scientific conferences. These are all projects led by students and done in collaboration with the City of Bloomington.

Heath, V. Investigating how to sustain both farm and watershed by tracking nutrient loss from tile-drained agriculture. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October, 2015.

Taye, T., C. O’Reilly, Z. D. Kisfalusi, E. W. Peterson, R. Twait, T.J. Rothschild, K.M. Sanks, and B. Perry. 2015. The effectiveness of a herbaceous riparian buffer zone in removing nitrate from a tile drain input at a low order stream in central Illinois. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October, 2015.

Rothschild, T. J., C. O’Reilly, E.W. Peterson. Effects on water table elevation due to tile draining into a riparian buffer zone. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October, 2015.

Sanks, K. M., E.W. Peterson, T. Taye, C. O’Reilly, Z. D. Kisfalusi, T. J. Rothschild, and R. Twait. Understanding the amount of nitrate in relation to percent of organic matter in riparian buffer zone soils at stream T3 in Hudson, Illinois. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October, 2015.

Kisfalusi, Z.D., E.W. Peterson, T. Taye, C. O’Reilly, K. Sanks, and T. J. Rothschild. The effects of tile drain input on a graining stream: Using a thermal tracer. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October, 2015.

O’Hare, A., O’Reilly, C., Kothe, K., Rowley, R., and Kostelnick, J. Effects of Physical Characteristics of Urban Storm Sewer Sheds on Water Quality, Illinois Ground Water Association Spring Meeting: Normal, IL. 2015.

O’Hare, A., O’Reilly, C., Kothe, K., Rowley, R., and Kostelnick, J. Determining Effects of Physical Characteristics of Urban Storm Sewer Sheds on Water Quality, Wisconsin Ground Water Association Annual Meeting: Milwaukee, WI. 2015.

Hanna, L. A., E. W. Peterson, C. M. O’Reilly, and R. Twait. Suspended and Dissolved Sediment Transport in Agriculturally Dominated Watersheds, McLean County, IL. Illinois Lake Management Association annual meeting, April 2013.

Williams, C. K., C. O’Reilly, R. Twait, and E. W. Peterson. Calculating errors or interpolation methods for bathymetric surveys Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October, 2014.

O’Hare, A., C. O’Reilly, K. Kothe, R. Rowley, and J. Kostelnick. Determining effects of physical characteristics of storm sewer sheds on water quality of an urban stream in Bloomington, IL, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, October, 2014.

Sugano, L. L., L. Hanna, E. R. Meinzer, R. Twait, and C. M. O’Reilly. Phosphorus concentrations in Six Mile Creek, McLean County, IL. Geological Society of America Annual meeting, October, 2013.

Meinzer, E. R. L. Hanna, C. M. O’Reilly, L. L. Sugano, and R. Twait. Metal ion concentration in local watersheds, Bloomington, Illinois. Geological Society of America Annual meeting, October, 2013.

Hanna, L., E. W. Peterson, C. M. O’Reilly, and R. Twait. Suspended and dissolved sediment transport dynamics in two agriculturally dominated watersheds, McLean County, IL. Geological Society of America Annual meeting, October, 2013.

Meyer, M. D., and C. M. O’Reilly. Effects of cyanobacteria on Lake Bloomington and Evergreen Lake. Geological Society of America Annual meeting, October, 2013.

Hanna, L. A., C. M. O’Reilly, E. W. Peterson, and R. M. Twait. Comparison of suspended and dissolved sediment transport in agriculturally dominated watersheds, McLean County, IL. Society of Wetland Scientists, Central Chapter, September 2012.

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