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E. Werner*, A. Gokhale*, M. AckertU, C. Xu, Z. Wen, A. Roberts, B. Roberts, A. Vrailas-Mortimer, A. Crocker, V. Faundez. The Mitochondrial RNA Granule is Necessary for Parkinsonism-Associated Metal Toxicity. 2022. Molecular Biology of the Cell. (in press)
Elizabeth Mast*, Kayla L Bieser*, Mary Abraham-Villa, Vanessa Adams, Akinwonuola J Akinlehin, Lynarose Z Aquino, Joseph L Austin, Abigail K Austin, Carissa N Beckham, Ethan J Bengson, Amanda Bieszk, Brianna Bogard, Rowan C Brennan, Rebecca M Brnot, Nicholas J Cirone, Mason R Clark, Brianna N Cooper, Dennys Cruz, Katlyn Daprizio, Jason DeBoe, Michaela M Dencker, Laura L Donnelly, Leanne Driscoll, Ryan J DuBeau, Sirada W Durso, Adam Ejub, Waad Elgosbi, Melanie Estrada, Kaeli Evins, Pearl D Fox, Jacob M France, Maira G Franco Hernandez, Lizbeth A Garcia, Olivia Garl, Myeerah R Gorsuch, Mikayla A Gorzeman-mohr, Madison E Grothouse, Megan E Gubbels, Romina Hakemiamjad, Chloé V Harvey, Madeline A Hoeppner, Jessica L Ivanov,Veronica M Johnson, Jessica L Johnson, Ashton Johnson, Kaleigh Johnston, Katie R Keller, Breanna T Kennedy, Levi R Killian, Marissa Klumb, Olivia L Koehn, Aaron S Koym, Kari J Kress, Regan E Landis, Kaitlyn N Lewis, Enosh Lim, Ilcen K Lopez, D’Artagnan Lowe, Paula Luengo Carretero, Grace Lunaburg, Samantha L Mallinder, Natalie A Marshall, Jessica Mathew, Jasmine Mathew, Hailee S Mcmanaway, Emily N Meegan, Jacob D Meyst, Meredith J Miller, Colin K Minogue, Alina A Mohr, Cristhian I Moran, Adrian Moran, Morgan D Morris, Michael D Morrison, Emmily A Moses, Cade J Mullins, Citlalli I Neri, Jess M Nichols, Breanna R Nickels, Akosua M Okai, Chiedu Okonmah, Makena Paramo, Meagan Paramo, Sydney L Parker, Neil K Parmar, Jacob Paschal, Prem Patel, Deep Patel, Erica B Perkins, Madelyn M Perry, Zachary Perry, Amanda A Pollock, Oxxyris Portalatin, Kamron S Proffitt, Jason T Queen, Alexis C Quemeneur, Amelia G Richardson, Kaylee Rosenberger, Allison M Rutherford, Itchel Santos-Perez, Christy Y Sarti, Lacey J Schouweiler, Lauren M Sessing, Sara O Setaro, Christopher F Silvestri, Olivia A Smith, Mackenzie J Smith, Jayson C Sumner, Rachel R Sutton, Lindsay Sweckard, Nicholas B Talbott, Peyton A Traxler, Jenna Truesdell, Aaron F Valenti, Leif Verace, Pragathi Vijayakumar, William L Wadley, Katherine E Walker, Ayanna R Williams, Trey J Wilson, Makayla A Witbeck, Trinity M Wobler, Lucas J Wright, Karolina A Zuczkowska, Olivier Devergne, Danielle R Hamill, Hemin P Shah, Jamie Siders, Elizabeth E Taylor, Alysia D Vrailas-Mortimer and Jacob D Kagey. Genetic mapping of Uba3O.2.2, a pupal lethal mutation in Drosophila melanogaster. 2022 microPublication Biology. 10.17912/micropub.biology.000542.
Thompson, C.F., Hodges, K.G, Mortimer, N., Vrailas-Mortimer, A., Sakaluk, S.K., Hauber, M. Avian eggshell coloration predicts shell-matrix protoporphyrin content. 2021. Canadian Journal of Zoology 100 (999), 77-81.
Ryan, S.*G, Almassey, M.*G, Burch, A.U, Ngo, G.U, Martin, J. M.G, Myers, D.U, Compton, D.U, Archie, S.U, Cross, M.U, Naeger, L.U, Salzman, A.U, Virola-Iarussi, A.U, Barbee, S., Mortimer, N. T., Sanyal, S. and Vrailas-Mortimer, A. Drosophila p38 MAPK Interacts with BAG-3/starvin to Regulate Age-dependent Protein Homeostasis. 2021. Aging Cell. Nov;20(11):e13481. doi: 10.1111/acel.13481. Epub 2021 Oct 21.
Mortimer, N. T., Fischer, M. L., Waring, A. L., KR, P., Kacsoh, B. Z., Brantley, S. E., Keebaugh, E. S., Hill, J., Lark, C., Martin, J.G, Bains, P., Vrailas-Mortimer, A., and Schlenke T. A missing-self immune recognition system in Drosophila melanogaster. 2021. PNAS 118 (39) e2017460118;
Talley, EM*, Watts, CT*, Aboyer, SU, Adamson, MG, Akoto, HABU, Altemus, H, Avella, PJU, Bailey, R, Bell, ER, Bell, KL, Breneman, K, Burkhart, JG, Chanley, LJ, Cook, SS, DesLaurier, MTU, Dorsey, TRU, Doyle, CJ, Egloff, ME, Fasawe, ASU, Garcia, KK, Graves, NP, Gray, TKU, Gustafson, EMU, Hall, MJU, Hayes, JD, Holic, LJU, Klos, PS U, Kritzmire, S, Kuzovko, LU, Lainez, E, McCoy, S, Mierendorf, JCG, Neri, NAU, Neville, CR, Osborn, KU, Parker, K, Parks, MEU, Peck, K, Pitt, RU, Platta, MEU, Powell, B, K Rodriquez, K, Ruiz, C.U, Schaefer, MN, Shields, AB, Smiley, JB, Stauffer, B, Straub, D, Sweeney, JL, Termine, KMU, Thomas, B, Toth, SD, Veile, TR U, Walker, KS, Webster, PN, Woodard, BJ, Yoder, QL, Young, MK, Zeedyk, MLU, Ziegler, LNU, Bieser, KL, Puthoff, DP, Stamm, J, Vrailas-Mortimer, AD, Kagey, JD, Merkle, JA . Genetic mapping and phenotypic analysis of shotH.3.2 in Drosophila melanogaster. MicroPubl Biol. 202110.17912/micropub.biology.000418.
Vrailas-Mortimer, A. D., Aggarwal, N., Ahmed, N. N., Alberts, I. M., Alhawasli, M., Aljerdi, I. A., Allen, B. M., Alnajar, A. M., Anderson, M. A., Armstong, R., Avery, C. C., Avila, E. J., Baker, T. N., Bates, N. A., Beidas, F. N., Bosler, A. C., Brewer, D. M.U, Buenaventura, R. S., BurrellG, N. J. L.U, Caberea-Lopez, A. P., Cervantes-Gonzalez, A. B., Cezar, R. P., Coronel, J., Croslyn, C., Damery, K. R.U, Diaz-Alavez, L., Dixit, N. P., Duarte, D. L., Emke, A. R., English, K., Eshun, A. A.U, Esterly, S. R.U, Estrada, A. J., Feng, M., Freund, M. M.U, Garcia, N.U, Ghotra, C. S., Ghyasi, H., Hale, C. S. A.U, Hulsman, L., Jamerson, L., Jones, A. K., Kuczynski, M.U, Lacey-Kennedy, T. N.U, Lee, M. J., Mahjoub, T., Mersinger, M. C., Muckerheide, A. D., Myers, D. W. U, Nielsen, K., Nosowicz, P. J., Nunez, J. A.U, Ortiz, A. C., Patel, T. T., Perry, N. N., Poser, W. S. A., Puga, D. M. Quam, C., Quintana-Lopez, P.U, Rennerfeldt, P., Reyes, N. M., Rines, I. G.G, Roberts, C., Robinson, D. B.U, Rossa, K. M., Ruhlmann, G. J., Schmidt, J., Sherwood, J. R., Shonoda, D. H., Soellner, H., Soolmaz, B., Torrez, J. C., Velide, M., Weinzapfel, Z., Word, A. C., Bieser, K. L., Merkle, J. A., Stamm, J. C., and Kagey, J.D.The B.2.16 mutation in Drosophila melanogaster results in a red over white mosaic eye phenotype and complements all deficiencies within the chromosome 2R deficiency kit. MicroPubl Biol. 2021 Jan 18;2021:10.17912/micropub.biology.000359. doi: 10.17912/micropub.biology.000359.
Hartwig, C., Macias Mendez, G., Bhattacharjee, S., Vrailas-Mortimer, A., Zlatic, S., Freeman, A., Gokhale, A., Concilli, M., Sapp Savas, C., Rudin-Rush, S., Palmer, L., Shearing, N., Margewich, L.U, McArthy, J.U, Taylor, S.U, Roberts, B., Lupashin, V., Polishchuk, R., Cox, D., Jorquera, R., and Faundez, V. Golgi-Dependent Copper Homeostasis Sustains Synaptic Development and Mitochondrial Content. Journal of Neuroscience. 18 November 2020, JN-RM-1284-20; DOI:
Ryan, S.*G, Wildman, K.*U, Oceguera-Perez, B.G, Barbee, S., Mortimer, N. T. ‡ and Vrailas-Mortimer, A. ‡Evolutionarily Conserved Transcription Factors Drive the Oxidative Stress Response in Drosophila. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2020. 223: jeb221622 doi: 10.1242/jeb.221622. PMCID: PMC7391405
Hodges, K. E.G, Mortimer, N. T., and Vrailas-Mortimer, A. D., Sakaluk, S. K., and Thompson, C. F. Connecting the dots: avian eggshell pigmentation, paternal provisioning effort, and female condition. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2020. March 19. PMCID: PMC7199457
Hartwig, C., Zlatic, S.A., Wallin, M., Vrailas-Mortimer, A., Fahrni, C.J., Faundez, V. Trafficking Mechanisms of P-type ATPase Copper Transporters. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 2019. 59: 1-10. PMCID: PMC6726579.
Zlatic, S. A., Vrailas-Mortimer, A., Gokhale, A., Carey, L. J., Scott, E., Burch, R., McCall, M.M., Werner, E., Li, L., Petris, M., Bourassa, D., Farhni, C.J., and Faundez, V. Neuroloical Rare Disease Mechanisms Identified by Genealogical Proteomics of ATP7A Mutant Pedigress. Cell Systems. 2018. Mar 28;6:1-13. doi:10.1016/j.cells.2018.01.008.
Shields, M. C., Bowers M. R., Fulcer M. M., Bollig M. K., Rock P. J., Sutton B. R., Vrailas-Mortimer A. D., Lochmüller H., Whittaker R. G., Horvath R., Reist N. E. Drosophila studies support a role for a presynaptic synaptotagmin mutation in a human congenital myasthenic syndrome. PLOS One. 2017 Sep 27;12(9):e0184817.
Comstra, H.S., McArthy, J., , S., Hartwig, C., Gokhale, A., Zlatic, S.A., Blackburn, J.B., Werner, E., Petris, M., D’Souza, P., Panuwet, P., Boyd Barr D., Lupashin, V., Vrailas-Mortimer, A. ‡, and Faundez, V. ‡ “The Interactome of the Copper Transporter ATP7A Belongs to a Network of Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegeneration Factors.” eLife. 2017. Mar 29;6. pii: e24722. doi: 10.7554/eLife.24722
Gokhale, A., Vrailas-Mortimer, A., Larimore, J., Comstra, HS., Zlatic, SA. Werner, E., Manvich, DF., Iuvone, PM., Weinshenker, D., and Faundez, V. Neuronal Copper Homeostasis Susceptibility by Genetic Defects in Dysbindin, a Schizophrenia Susceptibility Factor. Human Molecular Genetics. 2015. Epub doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddv282Vrailas-Mortimer, A.‡, Ryan, S., Avey, M., Mortimer, N., Dowse, H. and Sanyal, S. The p38 MAP Kinase regulates circadian rhythm in Drosophila. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 2014 Dec;29(6):411-26. PMID: 25403440.
Vrailas-Mortimer, A. ‡, Gomez, R., Dowse, H. and Sanyal, S. A survey of the protective effects of some commercially available antioxidant supplements in genetic and chemically induced models of oxidative stress in Drosophila melanogaster. Experimental Gerontology. 2012. Sept: 47:712-722. PMID: 22790021. Recipient of the inaugural Outstanding Paper Prize for Experimental Gerontology.
Vrailas-Mortimer, A., del Rivero, Tania, Mukherjee, S., Nag, S., Gaitanidis, A., Kadas, D., Consoulas, C., Duttaroy, A. and Sanyal, S. p38 MAPK regulates MnSOD expression in muscles to influence stress, motor function and lifespan in Drosophila. Developmental Cell. 2011. Oct 18: 21: 783-795. PMID: 22014527.
Freeman, A., Bowers, M., Vrailas-Mortimer, A., Timmerman, C., Roux, S., Ramaswami, M., and Sanyal, S. A new genetic model of activity-induced Ras signaling dependent pre-synaptic plasticity in Drosophila. Brain Research. 2010. Apr:1326: 15-29. PMID: 20193670.

Fransciscovich, A.L., Vrailas-Mortimer, A.D., Freeman, A.A. Gu, J., and Sanyal, S. Overexpression screen in Drosophila identifies neuronal roles of GSK-3 beta/shaggy as a regulator of AP-1-dependent developmental plasticity. Genetics. 2008. Dec;180(4):2057-71. PMID: 18832361.
Melicharek, D., Shah, A., Middleton, G., Gangemi, A.J., Cooke, E., Vrailas-Mortimer, A.D., and Marenda, D.R. Identification of novel regulators of atonal expression in the developing Drosophila retina. Genetics. 2008 Dec;180(4):2095-110. PMID: 18832354.
Vrailas-Mortimer*, A., Majumdar*, N., Middleton, G., Cooke, E., and Marenda, D. Delta and Egfr expression are regulated by Importin-7/Moleskin in Drosophila wing development. Developmental Biology. 2007. Aug 15;308(2):534-46. PMID: 17628519.
Vrailas, A., Marenda, D., Cook S., Powers, M., Lorenzen, J., Perkins, L. and Moses, K. smoothened and thickveins regulate Moleskin/Importin -7 mediated MAP Kinase nuclear translocation in the developing Drosophila eye. Development. 2006. Apr;133(8):1485-94. PMID: 16540506.
Vrailas, A. and Moses, K. smoothened, thickveins and the genetic control of cell-cycle and cell fate in the developing Drosophila eye. Mechanisms of Development. 2006. Feb;123(2):151-65. PMID: 16412615.
Marenda, D.R., Vrailas, A.D., Rodrigues, A.B., Cook, S., Powers, M.A., Lorenzen, J.A., Perkins, L.A., Moses, K. MAP kinase subcellular localization controls both pattern and proliferation in the developing Drosophila wing. Development. 2006. Jan;133(1):43-51. PMID: 16308331.
Doong H., Vrailas A. and Kohn EC. (2002). What’s in the ‘BAG’?–A functional domain analysis of the BAG-family proteins. Cancer Lett. Dec 15;188(1-2):25-32. PMID: 12406544.
* Indicates co-first authorship ‡ Indicates corresponding author