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What is Native American Studies?
The minor in Native American Studies is designed to familiarize students with the histories, literatures, cultures, and futures of the indigenous citizens of North America. It will be of interest to students who wish to explore the unique political and social relationship that the First Nations and their members hold with the United States. It provides students with key concepts, information, and a foundation of knowledge rooted in several academic disciplines.
Faculty from the departments of English, History, Sociology and Anthropology, and the School of Theatre and Dance participate in this minor.
How to Apply
Students must be in good academic standing with at least a 2.00 GPA. For more information email the undergraduate advisor (Susan Kalter) in Stevenson 424J or call at (309) 438-8660.
Applications for the Native American Studies Minor are always being accepted.

Why Study Native American Studies?
The field of Native American Studies focuses on the history, culture, politics, and experiences (past and modern) of the Native North American people.

Each summer students can join our archaeological field schools, focusing either on Cherokee cultures post-1500 with Associate Professor Kathryn Sampeck or on peoples of the Archaic and post-Archaic eras who lived on the Great Lakes through the Grand Island Archaeological Research Program.
News and Updates
- TRIBE: New student organization for Indigenous students and alliesWhat is now known as the United States contains more than 800 Indigenous tribes and nations, with the people who connect with Indigenous identities comprising an essential part…
- Art installation to honor National Immigrants Day announcedIllinois State University will honor National Immigrants Day with an art installation on the Quad. I Am Here. We Are Here. We Belong, will be installed…
- TRIBE: Vigil for victims and survivors of Indigenous residential schools, September 30TRIBE@ISU (Teaching, Reviving, Indigenizing, Beautifying, and Equalizing, Illinois State University Chapter) will host a vigil at 7 p.m. September 30 on the Quad. Titled Honoring Life:…
Careers for Native American Studies Minor
What can you do with a Native American Studies degree?
Many students who pursue a degree in Native American Studies enter the program simply because they want to learn more about our continent and its First Peoples present and past, or about their own tribal nation or nations and its/their indigenous communities.
After entering the program, these students often find that they want to continue contributing to and learning about Native American communities, sometimes in the form of giving back to the tribe that helped sponsor their education.