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Courses I Regularly Teach

MAT 202: Algebraic Reasoning for Middle School Teachers

Focus on algebraic reasoning with understanding of variables and their uses. Content includes proportional reasoning, linear and non-linear functions and inverse functions and elementary curve fitting techniques. Department-approved graphing calculator required. Not for credit major or minor. 

MAT 302: Teaching Mathematics for Middle School Teachers

Problems, viewpoints, and trends in teaching middle school or junior high mathematics. Implications of research related to organization, content, and techniques for teaching mathematics in grades 6-8. Includes clinical experiences.

MAT 309: Number Theory for Middle School Teachers

Focus is on number theory concepts, including divisibility, primes, composites, special number sets, and basic counting princples. 

MAT 401

Analysis of research in mathematics education and its implications for instruction in school programs.

Other Courses I have taught

  • Topics in Mathematics Education Seminar (MAT 585)
  • Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School (MAT 201)
  • Dimensions of Numerical Reasoning (MAT 130)
  • Structure of Number Systems II (MAT 152)

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