American Separation of Powers: How the Architects of the U.S. Constitution Strategically Developed Montesquieu’s Constitutionalism
Christopher Putney, University of Texas at Austin
pp. 1-28
Realpolitiks and the Deceptive Use of Islamist Narratives in Armed Struggles: the Case of Northern Mali Conflict
Dillon R. Smith, University of Guelph
pp. 29-49
Basic Trust and The Great Transformation: Behind the Global Capitalist System
Chan Jun Hao, University College London
pp. 50-81
One of These Things is Not Like the Other: How Access to Power Affects Forms of Ethnopolitical Violence
Kirk Richardson, Illinois State University
pp. 82-112
From Godless Government to the Faith-Based State: The Failure of Compassionate Conservatism
Richard Burke, Fairfield University
pp. 113-140
Democratization Under the Gun: Military Regimes, Democratic Transitions, and Political Institutions in the Southern Cone
Samuel Maynard, Georgetown University
pp. 141-166