Breaking America’s Oil Addiction:
A Plan to Support Sustainable Energy
Kristen E. Tullos and Brian L. Levy
The Roosevelt Institution at the University of Georgia, USA
Are Patriots Really More Patriotic Than Their Anti-Patriotic Rivals?
Poking Into Patriotism Through the Israeli Case
Eyal Lewin
Haifa University, Israel
Framing Conscientious Objection:
How Israeli Newspapers with Different Ideological Orientations
Cover Rightist and Leftist Conscientious Objection in Israel
Hila Lowenstein
Bar Ilan University, Israel
Influences on the Partial Liberalization of Internet Service Provision in Ethiopia
Lynn Hartley and Michael Murphree
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
The Fractures of Frankfurt:
The Aesthetic Theories of Marcuse, Benjamin, Rorty, and Popular Culture’s
Potential to Enable Individual Political Change in Industrial-Capitalist Societies.
James Maggio
University of Florida, USA
Caught Between Venus and Mars:
Canadian Earthlings in the Transatlantic Relationship after Iraq
Benjamin Zyla
Royal Military College of Canada
Social Capital and Survival:
A Look at Trust Among Immigrant Strangers
Donna Hamilton
Illinois State University, USA
Reclaiming Voice, Restoring Value:
Gerrymandering, Disenfranchisement, and the Need for Reform
in the Way We Choose Our Political Representatives
Randall Sampson
University of Colorado-Denver, USA