In general for all of my classes I incorporate hands on activities for learning the material. Most of the classes have labs which are key part of the class. Biology Evolution which only has a lecture class, I have incorraporated multiple group activities as part of the lecture.
I am trained as an evolutionary ecologist working with plants with a strong focus on experimental design and statistical analysis. My teaching covers this breath of areas. In general for all of my classes I incorporate hands on activities. In most classes these activities occur primiarly in the laboratory part of the class. As Biological Evolution (305) does not have a lab., these activities during the lectures.
BSC 305 Biological Evolution – 3 credits – taught every term including the summer
Topics in this class include: Applications of evolution to understand HIV; Speciation; Mechanisms of evolutionary change; Adaptation and natural selection; Sexual selection; and Human evolution. My version of this class features inclass group projects which is a great method for learning the material.
BSC 212 Principles of Botany – 4 credits
Topics in this class include: Biology of plant cells; Energetics (focus on photosnthesis); Water and sugar transport; Development and growth; Reproduction; Ecology and conservation. The laboratory is key for this class where student explore many of the lecture topic with small experiments and other observations.
BSC 223 Ecology and Conservation of Plants – 4 credits
This class covers the basics in plant ecology with a focus on prairie ecosystems and the impact of intensitive agriculiture on the natural and developed ecosystems. The labortory emphasizes basic field techniques used by plant ecologists, observational studies, and field trips.
BSC 490/420.27 Biostatistics Lecture and Lab.– 4 credits
This is an applied statistics class that is designed for graduate students to be come proficient in experimental design, application of the correct statsticial analysis, and interpretation and presentation of results. Focus on t tests, ANOVA and regression. Laboratory focuses on using SAS for these statistical tests as well as formal presentation of the results.