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Study Questions

Thursday, April 2

What is the meaning of “multilingualism” in Europe and how does language education differ there from in the United States?

Friday, April 3

Morning Session

1. How does the “Eurocentric” notion of Europe differ from the “pluralistic” notion of Europe?  Which notion does Norman Davies favor?

2. How have climate and waterways (seas, rivers) shaped cultures in Europe?

3. Europe’s Latin Millennium” stretched from the reign of Charlemagne to roughly 1800. Why and how did Latin continue to have such a prominent role to play throughout Europe even after the fall of the Roman Empire? What does the fading of this linguistic sign mean for European culture and identity today?

Afternoon Session

1. Give examples of the interaction between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in Europe?

2. What is the European East and how has it been neglected?

3. How and why are France and Germany especially important for the project of uniting Europe?

Thursday, April 16

What important reasons are there to study and learn about Europe?

Friday, April 17

Morning Session

1. What role does education have in creating a desire or need for “classical” music?

2. How does doing business differ in Europe and the USA?  Provide specific examples.

3. What is the European Union? Can Americans and Europeans ever really agree, why or why not?  What is the nature of the transatlantic relationship?  What are the US interests in the EU?

Afternoon Session

1. Name some aspects of the European health care sector that might be models for us or are at least worth studying.

2. When and how do monetary policies affect national and international politics?  Consider the case of Greece.

3. What model does Europe offer as opposed to the US for hope in our world today?​

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