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Dr. Eric W. Peterson​

Hello! My name is Dr. Eric W. Peterson. I am a professor in the Department of Geography, Geology, and the Environment ISU.

My Teaching Interests Include:

  • Hydrogeology & Hydrology
  • Karst Hydrogeology
  • Aquifer Systems

My Research Interests Include:

  • Fate and Transport of Nitrate in Agricultural settings
  • Fate and Transport of Chloride in mixed (agriculture/urban) watersheds
  • Heat transport and fluid flow through a glacial-fluvial aquifer​​​​
  • Karst system genesis and flow within karst systems

ResearchGate Profile​​​
Google Scholar profile

Click here to view my semester schedule​​
ISU Hydrogeology Master Program’s website​

Dr. Eric W. Peterson (CV)
Felmley Hall Annex 439
Illinois State University
Department of Geography, Geology, and the Environment
Campus Box 4400 
Normal, IL

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