Peer Reviewed Publications
(*indicates graduate student, ** indicates undergraduate student)
61. Sahad, A.*, and Peterson, E. W., (2024), Agricultural contribution of chloride to a saturated riparian buffer system: A case study in central Illinois: Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, v. 30, no. 3, doi:
60. Becker, J. P.*, and Peterson, E. W., 2022, Stream Recovery Post Channelization: A Case Study of Low-Gradient Streams in Central Illinois, USA: Hydrology, v. 9, no. 9, p. 160, doi:10.3390/hydrology9090160.
59. Riedel, J. W.*, Peterson, E. W., Dogwiler, T. J., and Seyoum, W. M., 2022, Investigating Thermal Controls on the Hyporheic Flux as Evaluated Using Numerical Modeling of Flume-Derived Data: Hydrology, v. 9, no. 9, p. 156, doi:10.3390/hydrology9090156
58. Peterson, E. W., Nicodemus, P., Spooner, E. A.*, and Heath, A.*, 2021, The Effectiveness of an Artificial Floating Wetland to Remove Nutrients in an Urban Stream: A Pilot-Study in the Chicago River, Chicago, IL USA: Hydrology, v. 8, no. 3, p. 14, doi:10.3390/hydrology8030115.
57. Oberhelman, A.*, and Peterson, E. W., 2021, Seasonal and stormflow chloride loads in an urban-agricultural watershed in central Illinois, USA: Environmental Earth Sciences, p. 11, doi:10.1007/s12665-021-09744-x.
56. Bosompemaa, P.*, Peterson, E. W., Perry, W., and Seyoum, W. M., 2021, Recycling of nitrate and organic matter by plants in the vadose zone of a saturated riparian buffer: Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, p. 14, doi:10.1007/s11270-021-05202-3.
55. Watson, A.*, Peterson, E. W., Malone, D., and Tranel, L., 2020, Surficial geology and aquifer sensitivity of materials overlying the Mahomet Aquifer, central Illinois, USA: Hydrology, v. 7, no. 4, doi:10.3390/hydrology7040069
54. Oware, E. K.*, and Peterson, E. W., 2020, Storm Driven Seasonal Variation in the Thermal Response of the Streambed Water of a Low-Gradient Stream: Water, v. 12, no. 9, doi:10.3390/w12092498.
53. Oberhelman, A.*, and Peterson, E. W., 2020, Chloride source delineation in an urban-agricultural watershed, deicing agents versus agricultural contributions: Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.13861.
52. Piske, J.*, and Peterson, E. W., 2020, The role of corn and soybean cultivation on nitrate export from Midwestern US agricultural watershed: Environmental Earth Science, doi: 10.1007/s12665-020-08964-x
51. Harris, F.C.*, and Peterson, E.W., 2020, 1-D vertical flux dynamics in a low-gradient stream: an assessment of stage as a control of vertical hyporheic exchange: Water, v. 12, no. 3, doi: 10.3390/w12030708.
50. Chabela, L. P.*, and Peterson, E. W., 2019, Relationship between peak stage, storm duration, and bank storage along a meandering stream: Water, v. 11, no. 1688, p. 16, doi:10.3390/w11081688.
49. Maas, B.*, Peterson, E. W., Honings, J.*, Oberhelman, A.*, Oware, P.*, Rusthoven, I.*, and Watson, A.*, 2019, Differentiation of surface water and groundwater in a karst system using anthropogenic signatures: Geosciences, v. 9, no. 4, doi:10.3390/geosciences9040148.
48. Miller, J.*, Peterson, E.W., and Budikova, D., 2018, Diurnal and seasonal variation in nitrate-nitrogen concentrations of groundwater in a saturated buffer zone: Hydrogeology Journal, doi: 10.1007/s10040-018-1907-y
47. Peterson, E.W., and Hayden, K. M.*, 2018, Transport and fate of nitrate in the streambed of a low-gradient stream: Hydrology, v. 5, no. 4, doi: 10.3390/hydrology5040055
46. Ludwikowski, J. J.*, and Peterson, E. W., 2018, Transport and fate of chloride from road salt within a mixed urban and agricultural watershed in Illinois (USA): assessing the influence of chloride application rates: Hydrogeology Journal, doi:10.1007/s10040-018-1732-3.
45. Francis, A.*, Peterson, E. W., and Dogwiler, T. J., 2018, Lithology as an erosional control on the Cave Branch and Horn Hollow fluviokarst watersheds in Carter County, Kentucky, in Sasowsky, I. D., Byle, M. J., and Land, L., eds., 15th Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes adn the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst and the 3rd Appalachian Karst Symposium, Volume 6: Shepherdstown, West Virginia, National Cave and Karst Research Institute, p. 279-288.
44. Lax, S.*, Peterson, E.W., Van der Hoven, S.J., 2017, Stream chloride concentrations as a function of land use: a comparison of an agricultural watershed to an urban agricultural watershed: Environmental Earth Sciences, doi:10.1007/s12665-017-7059-x.
43. Rabie, A.*, Peterson, E. W., Kostelnick, J. C., and Rowley, R. J., 2017, Optimizing DEM resolution inputs and number of stream gauges in GIS predictions of flood inundation: A case study along the Illinois River (IL), USA: Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, doi:10.2113/EEG-1890.
42. Maxwell, E. L.*, Peterson, E. W., and O’Reilly, C. M., 2017, Enhanced nitrate reduction within a constructed wetland system: nitrate removal within groundwater flow: Wetlands, doi:10.1007/s13157-017-0877-5.
41. Avalos, E.*, Malone, D., Peterson, E. W., Anderson, W. P., and Gehrels, R., 2016, Two-Dimensional Seismic Refraction Tomography of a Buried Bedrock Valley at Hallsands Beach, Devon, UK: Environmental Geosciences, v. 23, no. 4, p. 179-193, doi:10.1306/eg.07131615014.
40. Flaherty, S. T.*, Thomason, J., F., Malone, D. H., and Peterson, E. W., 2016, Surficial geological map of the Woodstock, IL 7.5 minute Quadrangle, McHenry County, Illinois, Scale 1:24,000: Journal of Maps, p. 1-5, doi:10.1080/17445647.2016.1227731
39. Carlock, E.*, Peterson, E. W., and Malone, D. H.,2016, Three-dimensional geologic modeling and groundwater flow modeling above a CO2 sequestration test site: Open Journal of Modern Hydrology, v. 6, no. 3, p. 182-193, doi:10.4236/ojmh.2016.63015.
38.Seipel, L.*, Peterson, E. W., Malone, D. H., and Thomason, J. F., 2016, Role of multiple high-capacity irrigation wells on a surficial sand and gravel aquifer: Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, v. 4, no. 5, p. 43-53, doi:10.4236/gep.2016.45005.
37.Peterson, E.W.,and Hanna, L.A.*, 2016, Estrogen reduction in a coupled wetland and ground water flow-through system: Environmental Earth Science, v. 75, no. 5, p. 1-8, doi:10.1007/s12665-016-5259-4.
36. Wagle, J.*, Malone, D. H., Peterson, E. W.,and Tranel, L., 2016, Porosity controls on secondary recovery at the Loudon Field, south-central Illinois: Interpretation, v. 4, no. 1, doi:10.1190/INT-2015-0078.1.
35. Lau, J.*, Thomason, J. F., Malone, D. H., and Peterson, E. W., 2016, Three-Dimensional Geological Model of Quaternary Sediments in Walworth County, Wisconsin, USA: Geosciences, v. 6, no. 32, p. 14, doi:10.3390/geosciences6030032.
34. Lau, J.*, Malone, D. H., Thomason, J., and Peterson, E. W., 2016, Modeling the Sediment Fill of the Upper Troy Pre-Glacial Bedrock Valley, Mchenry County, Illinois, USA: Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, v. 4, no. 6, p. 107-122, doi:10.4236/gep.2016.46010.
33. Carlock, D. C.*, Thomason, J. F., Malone, D. H., and Peterson, E. W., 2016, Stratigraphy and Extent of the Pearl-Ashmore Aquifer, McHenry County, IL, USA: World Journal of Environmental Engineering, v. 4, no. 1-6, p. 6-18, doi:10.12691/wjee-4-1-2.
32. Kron, N.*, Malone, D. H., and Peterson, E. W., 2015, Three-Dimensional Geologic Model of the Pecatonica Gas Storage Field, Winnebago County, Illinois: World Journal of Environmental Engineering, v. 3, no. 4, p. 121-125, doi:10.12691/wjee-3-4-3.
31. Bastola, H.* and Peterson, E.W.,2015,Heat tracing to examine seasonal groundwater flow beneath a low-gradient stream: Hydrogeology Journal, doi: 10.1007/s10040-015-1320-8
30. Schroeder, K.*, Peterson, E.W., and Dogwiler, T., 2015, Field validation of LiDAR and GIS derived longitudinal stream profiles, Journal of Earth Science Research (JESR), v. 3, no. 3, p. 43-54, doi: 10.18005/JESR0303002
29. Kimple, D.*, Peterson, E.W., and Malone, D.H., 2015, Stratigraphy and porosity modeling of southern centeral Illinois Chester (Upper Missisippian) series sandstones, World Journal of Environmental Engineering, v. 3, no. 3, pp 82-86, doi: 10.12691/wjee-3-3-2
28. Woodside, J.*, Peterson, E. W., and Dogwiler, T., 2015, Longitudinal profile and sediment mobility as geomorphic tools to interpret the history of a fluviokarst stream system: International Journal of Speleology, v. 44, no. 2, doi: 10.5038/1827-806X.44.2.9.
27. Angel, J. C.*, and Peterson, E. W., 2015, Nitrates in karst systems: comparing impacted systems to a relatively unimpacted system: Journal of Geography-Geology, v. 7, no. 1, doi:10.5539/jgg.v7n1p56.
26. Ackerman J. R.*, Peterson EW, Van der Hoven S, Perry W, 2015, Quantifying nutrient removal from groundwater seepage out of constructed wetlands receiving treated wastewater effluent Environmental Earth Sciences doi:10.1007/s12665-015-4167-3
25.Peterson, E. W., Martin, L. I.*, and Malone, D. H., 2015, Identification of Potential Vertical Gas Migration Pathways above Gas Storage Reservoirs: World Journal of Environmental Engineering, v. 3, no. 2, p. 23-31, doi: 10.12691/wjee-3-2-1.
24. Doucette, R.*, and Peterson, E., 2014, Identifying water sources in a karst aquifer using thermal signatures: Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 72, no. 12, p. 5171-5182, doi:10.1007/s12665-014-3387-2.
23. Sickbert, T.B.*, and Peterson, E.W., 2014, The effect of surface water velocity on hyporheic interchange: Journal of Water Resource and Protection, v. 6, no. 4, 372-336, DOI:10.4236/jwarp.2014.64035
22. Jacoby B.S.*, Peterson E.W., Kostelnick JC, Dogwiler T, 2013, Approaching Cave Level Identification with GIS: A Case Study of Carter Caves. ISRN Geology, v. 2013, no. 160397, pgs. 7, DOI:10.1155/2013/160397
21. Beach, V.*, and Peterson, E.W., 2013, Variation of Hyporheic Temperature Profiles in a Low Gradient Third-order Agricultural Stream – A Statistical Approach: Open Journal of Modern Hydrology, v. 3, no. 2, p. 55-66, DOI: 10.4236/ojmh.2013.32008.
20. Peterson, E.W., and Benning, C.*, 2013, Factors influencing nitrate within a low-gradient agricultural stream: Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 68, no. 5, 1233-1245, DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1821-x.
19. Lanning, A.*, and Peterson, E.W., 2012, Evaluating Subdivisions for Identifying Extraneous Flow in Separate Sanitary Sewer Systems: Journal of Water Resource and Protection, v. 4, no. 6, p. 334-341, DOI: 10.4236/jwarp.2012.46037
18. Jacoby, B.S.*, Peterson, E.W., Dogwiler, T., and Kostelnick, J.C., 2011, Estimating the timing of Cave Level Development with GIS: Speleogenesis and Evolution of Karst Aquifers, v. 11, 52-61
17. Jacoby, B.S.*, Peterson, E.W., and Dogwiler, T., 2011, Identifying the Stream Erosion Potential of Cave Levels in Carter Cave State Resort Park, Kentucky, USA: Journal of Geographic Information Systems, v. 3, no. 4, p. 323-333, DOI:10.4236/jgis.2011.34030.
16. Peterson, E.W., Dogwiler, T., and Harlan, L.*, 2011, Using GIS to identify cave levels and discern the speleogenesis of the Carter Caves karst area, Kentucky,inKuniansky, E.L., ed., U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Fayetteville, Arkansas (April 26-29, 2011), Volume Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5031: Reston, Virginia, United States Geological Survey, p. 94-103.
15.Peterson, E.W., and Hughes, K.*, 2011, Temporal Stability of Cave Sediments,inKuniansky, E.L., ed., U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, Fayetteville, Arkansas (April 26-29, 2011), Volume Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5031: Reston, Virginia, United States Geological Survey, p. 57-65.
14. Wicks, C.M., Noltie, D.B., Peterson, E.W., and Dogwiler, T.J., 2010, Disturbances in the habitat ofMacrocotyle glandulosa(Kenk): Ecohydrology, v. 3, p. 116-125 DOI: 10.1002/eco.102.
14. Lax, S.*, and Peterson, E.W., 2009, Characterization of Chloride Transport in the Unsaturated Zone near Salted Road: Environmental Geology, Vol. 58, Issue 5, pp. 1041-1049 doi 10.1007/s00254-008-1584-6.
13. Peterson, E.W., and Lanning, A.**, 2009, Effectiveness of pilot-scale wetland designs in removing estrogenic compounds from municipal wastewater plant effluent : Environmental Geosciences , Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 61-69
12. Peterson, E.W., Sickbert, T.B.*, and Moore, S. L.**, 2008, High frequency stream bed mobility of a low-gradient agricultural stream with implications on the hyporheic zone: Hydrological Processes, v 22, p. 4239-4248 doi: 10.1002/hyp.7031
11. Van der Hoven, S, Fromm, N* and Peterson, E,2008 Quantifying nitrogen cycling beneath a meander of a low gradient, N-impacted, agricultural stream using tracers and numerical modeling: Hydrological Processes, v. 22, no. 8, p. 1206-1215 DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6691
10. Moore , S.L.* and Peterson, E.W., 2007, Transport and fate of nitrate within soils of glacial origin: Environmental Geology, v. 52, no. 8, p. 1527-1537 DOI: 10.1007/s00254-006-0597-2
9. Peterson, E.W.and Sickbert, T. B.*, 2006, Stream water bypass through a meander neck, laterally extending the hyporheic zone. Hydrogeology Journal, , v. 14, no. 8, p. 1443-1451 DOI: 10.1007/s10040-006-0050-3
8. Peterson, E.W.and Wicks, C.M., 2006, Assessing the importance of conduit geometry and physical parameters in karst systems using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM): Journal of Hydrology, v. 329, no. 1-2 , p. 294-305 DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.02.017.
7. Peterson, E.W.and Wicks, C.M., 2005 , Fluid and solute transport from a conduit to the matrix in a carbonate aquifer system: Mathematical Geology, Vol. 37, No. 8, p. 851-868
6. Peterson, E.W., Wicks, C.M., and Kelley, C.A., 2005, Persistence of 17b-estradiol in water and sediment-pore water from cave streams in central Missouri: Environmental and Engineering Geology, Vol. XI, no. 3, pp. 221-228.
5. Wicks, C.M., Kelley, C.A., and Peterson, E.W., 2004, Estrogen in a karstic aquifer: Groundwater, v. 42, no. 3, p. 384-389.
4. Peterson, E.W. and Wicks, C.M., 2003, Characterization of the physical and hydraulic properties of the sediments in karst aquifers:Hydrogeology Journal, v. 11, no. 3, p. 357-367.
3. Peterson, E.W., Davis, R.K., Brahana, J.V., and Orndorff, H.A., 2002, Movement of nitrate through regolith covered karst terrane northwest Arkansas,Journal of Hydrology, v. 256, p. 35-47.
2. Peterson, E.W., Davis, R. K., and Orndorff, H. A., 2000, 17-bEstradiol as an indicator of animal waste contamination in mantled karst aquifers:Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 29, p. 826-834.
1. Peterson, Eric W., Davis, Ralph K., and Brahana, J. V., 2000, The Use of Regression Analysis in Predicting Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentrations in Springs of Northwest Arkansas: in Sasowsky, I., and Wicks, C., eds.,Groundwater flow and contaminant transport in carbonate aquifers, AA Balkema Publishing, p. 43-63.
Edited Technical Reports and Maps
Wirth, H.*, Peterson, E. W., and Malone, D. H., 2018, Surficial geology of the 7.5 Minute Gibson City West Quadrangle, Champaign, Ford, and McLean Counties, Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey,,scale 1:24,000.
Ludwikoski, J.*, Malone,D.H., Peterson E.W., 2016, Surficial Geologic Map,Bloomington East Quadrangle, McLean County, Illiois: IllinoisState Geological Survey:, Illinois State Geological Survey.
Seipel, L.C.*, Thomason, J.F., Malone, D.H., and Peterson, E.W., 2015, Surficial Geology of Garden Prairie 7.5-minute Quasrangle, Boone and McHenry Counties, Illinois,Illinois State Geological Survey:, Illinois State Geological Survey.
Maxwell, E.*,Malone D.H., Peterson E.W., and Nelson R.S., 2015, Surficial Geologic Map, Colfax Quadrangle, McLean County, Illinois, Illinois State Geological Survey:, Illinois State Geological Survey.
Morgan C.*, Peterson E.W., Schroeder K.*, Nelson R.S., Malone D.H., 2013, Surficial Geology Map for the Freeport East 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Stephenson County, Illinois, Illinois State Geological Survey:, Illinois State Geological Survey.
Maas, B.*, Peterson, E.W., Malone, D., and Nelson, R., 2010, Surficial Geology of the Warren 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, JoDaviess and Stephenson Counties, Illinois, Illinois State Geological Survey:, Illinois State Geological Survey.
Vesper, D. J., Schindel, G. M., Beck, B. F., Brahana, J. V., Cate, J., Engler, D., Ewers, R., Falkenberg, J., Halihan, T., Idstein, P., Krothe, N. C., Peterson, E. , Toran, L., Veni, G., White, E. L., and Williams, S., 2008, Focus Group on Karst Resources and Other Applied Issues, inMartin, J. B., and White, W. B., eds., Frontiers of Karst Research: Leesburg, VA, Karst Waters Institute, p. 106-108.
Davis, R. K, Schaefer, V. R., Iles, D. L., Kortran, J. M., Koch, W., and Peterson, E. W. , 1997, Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of Clayey Till at the Runge Landfill, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. South Dakota Geological Survey Open-File Report 9-BAS, 186p.
Davis , R.K., Versch, M.X., Carr, J.D., Peterson, E.W. , Dormedy, D., Merrick, M., and Saunsoci, Q., 1995, Baseline Assessment of Water Quality on the Reservation of the Omaha Tribe: Omaha Tribe of Nebraska Environmental Protection Department, 61p.
Published Abstracts
Piske, J.*, Harris, F.C.*, Rutte, M.*, Sheffield, N.*, and Peterson, E.W., (2018) Correlation of crop cover and nitrate in two agricultural watersheds, a preliminary investigation, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Ames, Iowa, Vol. 50, No. 4, doi: 10.1130/abs/2018NC-311587
Oware, P.*, Maas, B., Peterson, E.W., Honings, J.*, Oberhelman, A.*, Watson, A.*, and Rusthoven, I.*, (2018) Karst susceptibility to anthropogenic influences in the driftless area of northwest Illinois, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Ames, Iowa, Vol. 50, No. 4, doi: 10.1130/abs/2018NC-312988
Francis, A.F.*, Peterson, E.W., and Dogwiler, T., (2018) Lithology as an erosional control on the Cave Branch and Horn Hollow fluviokarst watersheds in Carter County, Kentucky, 15th Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst – National Cave and Karst Research Institute, April 5, 2018
Peterson, E.W., Ludwikowski, J.*, and Chabela, L.*, (2018) Transport and fate of chloride within the groundwater of a mixed urban and agricultural watershed, Illinois Lake Management Association, 33rd Annual Conference, March 22,2018
Miller, J. *, and Peterson, E.W., (2018) Diurnal and seasonal variation in groundwater nitrate-N concentration in a saturated buffer zone, Illinois Lake Management Association, 33rd Annual Conference, March 22,2018
Miller, J. *, and Peterson, E.W.,(2017) Diurnal and seasonal variation in groundwater nitrate-N concentration in a saturated buffer zone, Illinois Groundwater Association, October 27, 2017.
Miller, J. *, Peterson, E.W., and Twait, R, (2017) Diurnal and seasonal variation in groundwater nitrate-N concentration in a saturated buffer zone, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2017, Vol. 49, No. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-305004
Harris, F.C.*, and Peterson, E.W., (2017) Trends in vertical pore water flux in the hyporheic zone of a low gradient third order stream, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2017, Vol. 49, No. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-30408
Johnson, L.L.**, O’Reilly, C.M., Peterson, E.W., Heath, V.E., Miller, J.J.*, Gregorich, H.G.**, and Twait, R., (2017) Field drain tile diversion into a riparian buffer zone effects on spatial dispersion of nitrate in groundwater, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2017, Vol. 49, No. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-308134
Peterson, E.W., Dogwiler, T., and Francis, A.F.*, (2017) Variation between lithology, carbonate versus sandstone, as an erosional control on a fluviokarst system, Speleo 2017 17th International Congress of Speleology, Sydney, Australia, July 2017.
Francis, A.F.*, Peterson, E.W., and Dogwiler, T., (2017) Lithology as an erosional control on a fluviokarst system, comparing profiles of limestone an sandstone bedded streams, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, March 2017, Vol. 49, No. 2, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017NE-290056.
Peterson, E.W., and Ludwikowski, J.*, (2016) Transport and fate of chloride within the groundwater of a mixed urban and agricultural watershed , Illinois Water Conference, October 26, 2016.
Chabela, L. P.*, Peterson, E. W., Miller, J.*, (2016) Seasonal variation of chloride inputs from road salt application in a mixed urban/agricultural watershed in central Illinois, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, September 2016, Vol. 48, No. 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-287247
Miller, J.*, Taye, T.*, Peterson, E. W.,O’Reilly, C., Perry, W. L., Twait, R., Chabela, L. P.*, (2016) Nitrate remediation capacity of agricultural drain tile diversion into a riparian buffer zone, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, September 2016, Vol. 48, No. 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-287105
Plath, R*, O’Reilly, C., Twait, R., Peterson, E. W., Perry, W. L., Deck, E.** and Neundorff, J. A.**, (2016) Can a scaling relationship between peak discharge and drainage area be used to identify tile drainage inputs into an agricultural stream?, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, September 2016, Vol. 48, No. 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-283385
Akara, M.*, Bruening, B. *, Chabela, L. P.*, Francis, A. K.*, Happel, A.*, Hawn, W.*, Kisfalusi, Z. D.*, Meister, P.*, Miller, J.*, Rhoads, M.*, O’Reilly, C., Peterson, E. W.and Twait, R.,,(2016) Groundwater flow along a gravel-sand lense in a glaciated terrain, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, September 2016, Vol. 48, No. 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-285159
Francis, A.K.*, Peterson, E.W., Dogwiler, T., and Rowley, R.J., (2016) Evaluating variation in lithology as an erosional control on a fluviokarst system located in Carter Caves State Resort Park, northeastern Kentucky, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, September 2016, Vol. 48, No. 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-285071
Ludwikowski, J.*, and Peterson, E.W., (2016) Transport and fate of chloride within the groundwater of a mixed urban and agricultural watershed, Illinois Groundwater Association, April 20, 2016
Taye, T. G.*, O’Reilly, C., Peterson, E., Perry, W., Twait, R., (2016), Nitrate reduction through the drain redirection to a riparian buffer zone at a low order stream in central Illinois, Illinois Groundwater Association, April 20, 2016
Kisfalusi, Z. D.*, Peterson, E.W., O’Reilly, C., (2016) The effects of tile drain input on a low-gradient agricultural stream in central Illinois: Using a thermal end member mixing model and a statistical analysis approach, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, April 2016, Vol. 48, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016NC-275252
Ludwikowski, J.*, Malone, D.H., Peterson, E.W., (2016) Surficial geologic map of the Bloomington-East 7.5 minute quadrangle, McLean County, Illinois, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, April 2016, Vol. 48, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016NC-274919
Taye, T. G.*, O’Reilly, C., Peterson, E., Perry, W., Twait, R., Kisfalusi, Z.*, Rothschild, T.**, Sanks, K.**, (2016), Nitrate reduction through tile drain redirection to a riparian buffer zone at a low order stream in central Illinois, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, April 2016, Vol. 48, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016NC-275363
Taye, T.*, O’Reilly, C, Kisfalusi, Z.D.*, Peterson, E.W., Twait, R., Rothschild, T.J.**, Sanks, K.**, and Perry, B., (2015) The effectiveness of an herbaceous riparian buffer zone in removing nitrate from a tile drain input at a low order stream in central Illinois, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, November 2015, Vol. 47, No. 7
Sanks, K.**, Peterson, E.W., Taye, T.*, O’Reilly, C, Kisfalusi, Z.D.*, Rothschild, T.J.**, and Twait, R., (2015) Understanding the amount of nitrate in relation to percent of organic matter in riparian buffer zone soils at stream T3 in Hudson, Illinois, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, November 2015, Vol. 47, No. 7
Rothschild, T.J.**, O’Reilly, C, and Peterson, E.W., (2015) Effects on water table elevation due to tile drainage into a riparian buffer zone, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, November 2015, Vol. 47, No. 7
Schroeder, K.*, Peterson, E. W., Dogwiler, T., (2015) The use of GIS in evaluating longitudinal profiles of karst steams, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, November 2015, Vol. 47, No. 7
Kisfalusi, Z.D.*, Peterson, E.W., Taye, T.*, O’Reilly, C, Sanks, K.**, and Rothschild, T.J.**, (2015) The effects of tile drain input on a gaining stream: Using a thermal tracer, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, November 2015, Vol. 47, No. 7
Kisfalusi, Z.D.*, Peterson, E.W., Taye, T.*, O’Reilly, C, Sanks, K.**, and Rothschild, T.J.**, (2015) The effects of tile drain input on a gaining stream: Using a thermal end member mixing model and a statistical analysis approach, Illinois Groundwater Association, October 9, 2015
Peterson, E.W.,Rude, E.*, Maxwell, E.*, and Ackerman, J., (2015) Influence of Constructed Wetlands on the Local Groundwater Flow Regime of a Riparian Zone, Association of American Geographers, AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Eggert, M.**, Roxley, R.J., and Peterson, E.W., (2015) Chloride levels in Illinois River and streams, AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. April 24, 2015.
Peterson, E.W., Rude, E.*, Maxwell, E.*, and Ackerman, J., (2015) Influence of Constructed Wetlands on the Local Groundwater Flow Regime of a Riparian Zone, Association of American Geographers, AAG Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. April 23, 2015.
Peterson, E.W. and Doucette, R.* (2014) Delineation of reservoirs within a karst aquifer utilizing thermal data, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2014, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 534.
Rickels, E. * and Peterson, E.W. (2014) Vertical and longitudinal differences of heat transmission between hot and cold water pulses in a hydraulic channel, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2014, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 118.
Maxwell, E.L. * and Peterson, E.W. (2014) Modeling flow regimes for a cyclical wetland using groundwater temperatures in McLean County, IL, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2014, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 479.
Seipel, L.C.*, Thomason, J.F., and Peterson, E.W. (2014) Capture zone analysis of a shallow-aquifer irrigation well in McHenry County, Illinois, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2014, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 118.
Williams, C.K. *, O’Reilly, C., Twait, R. M., and Peterson, E.W. (2014) Calculating errors of interpolation methods for bathymetric surveys, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2014, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 783.
Rude, E.* and Peterson, E.W. (2014) Model of residence time and analysis of nitrogen removal for two constructed wetlands at the Franklin Demonstration Farm in Lexington, Illinois, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2014, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 117.
Peterson, E.W., Hanna, L. A.*, and O’Reilly, C., (2014) Suspended Sediment Transport Dynamics in Two Agriculturally Dominated Watersheds DuringDrought Conditions, Association of American Geographers, AAG Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. April 12, 2014.
Schroeder, K.*, Peterson, E. W. (2013) Determining the source of anomalous segments in a karst stream in the driftless area of southeast Minnesota, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2013, Vol. 45, No. 7.
Hanna, L. A.*, Peterson, E.W., O’Reilly, C., Twait, R. M. (2013) Suspended and dissolved sediment transport dynamics in two agriculturally dominated watersheds, McLean County, IL, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2013, Vol. 45, No. 7.
Schroeder, K*, Peterson, E.W. (2013), Surficial Geology Map for the Freeport East 7.5 Minute Quadrangle, Stephenson County, Illinois, Illinois Geologic Mapping Committee, Champaign, IL, September 12, 2013
Hanna, L. A.*, Peterson, E.W., O’Reilly, C., Twait, R. M. (2013) Dissolved & suspended sediment transport dynamics in two agriculturally dominated watersheds, McLean County, IL, Illinois Lake Management Association Annual Meeting, Lake Management Association, Bloomington, IL. April 4, 2013.
Peterson, E.W., Jacoby, B.S.*, and Dogwiler, T. (2012) Employing GIS to investigate karst regions: a quantitative assessment, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, November 2012, Vol. 44, No. 7, p. 298.
Hanna, L.*, and Peterson, E.W. (2012) Estrogen reduction in a coupled wetland and ground water flow- through system, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, November 2012, Vol. 44, No. 7, p. 355.
Hanna*, L. A., C. M. O’Reilly, E. W. Peterson, and R. M. Twait. Comparison of suspended and dissolved sediment transport in agriculturally dominated watersheds, McLean County, IL. Society of Wetland Scientists, Central Chapter, September 2012.
Hayden, K.*, and Peterson, E.W. (2012) Using GIS to evaluate erosion as a potential pathway for nutrient pollution of Little Kickapoo Creek in Bloomington, IL, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, November 2012, Vol. 44, No. 7, p. 577
Sergeant, A.T.*, and Peterson, E.W. (2012) Quantifying sediment transport in modified streams in the upper Mackinaw River, IL, Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, April 2012, Vol. 44, No. 5., p. 24
Jacoby, B.*, and Peterson, E.W. (2011) Constraining the timing of cave development with GIS: Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2011, Vol. 43, No. 5, p. 289
Jacoby, B.*, and Peterson, E.W. (2010) Uncovering the speleogenesis of Carter Caves, Kentucky using GIS: Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, November 2010, Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 450
Bastola, H.*, and Peterson, E.W. (2010) Identifying seasonal variations in hyporheic temperature profiles in a low-gradient third-order agricultural stream using 2-D thermal modeling: Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, November 2010, Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 641
Oware, E.K*., and Peterson, E.W., 2010, The impacts of storm on thermal transport within the hyporheic zone of a low gradient third-order sand and gravel bedded stream: Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, April 2010, Vol. 42, No. 2, p. 103
Wicks, C. M., Noltie, D. B. Peterson, E. W. Dogwiler, T. 2010, Disturbances in the habitat of Macrocotyla glandulosa (Kenk): Abstract Book, 2010 Summer Meeting Joint Meeting with ASLO & NABS p. 250
Runyon, S.**, and Peterson, E.W., 2010, Limestone dissolution in various pH solutions: Abstract with Programs – Geological Society of America, April 2010, Vol. 42, No. 2, p. 101
Maas, B.J.*, and Peterson, E.W., 2010, Investigation of spatial and temporal variations in water quality around Nora, IL, Abstracts with Program – Geological Society of America, April 2010, Vol. 42, No. 2, p. 107
Becker, J.P., and Peterson, E.W. , 2009, Variations in streambed grain size and organic carbon content among channelized streams: Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 7, pp. 42
Maas, B.J., and Peterson, E.W. , 2009, Surficial Geology of the 7.5 Topographic Warren Quadrangle, Jo Daviess and Stephenson Counties, Illinois: Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 7, pp. 276
Peterson, E.W. , Woodside, J., and Dogwiler, T., 2009, Anomalous bumps along a longitudinal profile for a fluviokarst stream; implications for the formational mechanisms: on Geomorphology (ANZIAG), July 2009: Programme with Abstracts – International Geomorphology Conference, 2009, Vol. 7
Becker, J.P., and Peterson, E.W. , 2009 Distribution of organic carbon availability in modified stream sediments, Mackinaw River Basin, McLean County, IL: Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 16
Harlan, L. and Peterson, E.W. , 2009 An application of GIS to karst terrains: Stream network modeling (Carter Caves State Resort Park): North Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 18
H ughes , K . D . , and Peterson, E.W. , 2009, Spatial and temporal changes in hydraulic conductivity in cave sediment in from Berome Moore, Perry County, Missouri: Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 15
Maas, B.J., and Peterson, E.W. , 2009, Short term investigation of spatial and temporal changes in water quality for the area around Nora, IL: Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 18
Oware, E.F., and Peterson, E.W. , 2009 The impact of storm on thermal transport within the hyporheic zone of a low gradient third-order sand and gravel bedded: Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 14
Roche, E., Mehnert, E., and Peterson, E.W. , 2009, Comparison of groundwater flow under varying hydrologic conditions using MODFLOW: Abstracts with Programs – Geological Society of America, October 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 15
Peterson, E.W. and Lax, S., 2008, Transport and Storage of Chloride in the Unsaturated Zone Following Deicing Applications: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, Houston, TX
Woodside , J. S., Peterson, E.W., and Dogwiler, T, 2008, Examination of the Relationship Between Longitudinal Profile and Sediment Mobility within a Fluviokarst Stream System: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, Houston, TX
Beach, V. and Peterson, E.W. , 2008, The Impact of Streambed Sediment Size on Hyporheic Temperature Profiles in a Low Gradient Third-Order Agricultural Stream: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, Houston, TX
Glennon, C. and Peterson, E.W. , 2008, Evaluating the Role of Sinuosity in Nitrate Removal from Little Kickapoo Creek: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, Houston, TX
Dogwiler, T.J., Peterson, E.W ., Angel, J.C., Woodside, J., and Gorecki, K. A., 2008, The Speleogenesis of the Cave Branch and Horn Hollow Karst Systems, Carter Caves State Resort Park, Northeastern Kentucky: Second Appalachian Karst Symposium, May 7-10, 2008, Johnson City , Tennessee
Dogwiler, T.J., Woodside, J.S., and Peterson, E.W., 2007, Modeling hyporheic zone thermal pulses through a sediment pack in a laboratory flume: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 39, no. 6, p.
Sickbert, T.S., Halihan, T., Peterson, E.W., and Van der Hoven, S.J., 2007, Using geophysics and stereographic 3D visualization to improve conceptual models: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 39, no. 6, p.
Peterson, E.W. , Dogwiler, T.J., Angel, J.C., Gorecki, K.A., Hilber, M.D., Johnson, C.L., and Kunkel, D.L., 2006, Preliminary delineation of the hydrology of the Horn Hollow Karst System, Carter Caves State Resort Park , Northeastern Kentucky: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 38, no. 7, p. 195.
Dogwiler, T.J., Peterson, E.W. , Angel, J.C., Gorecki, K.A., Hilber, M.D., Johnson, C.L., and Kunkel, D.L., 2006, A preliminary model of the Speleogenesis in the Horn Hollow Karst System, Carter Caves State Resort Park, Northeastern Kentucky: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 38, no. 7, p. 60.
Hughes, K.D. and Peterson, E.W. , 2006, Characterization of cave sediments from Berome Moore, Perry County, Missouri : Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 38, no. 7, p. 224.
Angel, J.C., Williamson, S.E., and Peterson, E.W. , 2005, Ca 2+ and MG 2+ fluxes within the Horn Hollow karst system, Carter Caves State Park , KY : Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 37, no 7, p. 435.
Dertz , C.A. and Peterson, E.W. , 2005, Heat transport through a meander neck: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 37, no 7, p. 105.
Maguffin , S.C. and Peterson, E.W., 2005, The hydrogeological effects of altering land use along Wolf Creek : Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 37, no 7, p. 510.
Moore , S.L. and Peterson, E.W., 2005, Quantifying nitrate transport rates in the unsaturated zone below agricultural fields: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 37, no 7, p. 456.
Sickbert, T.B. and Peterson, E.W., 2005, The Venturi effect and hyporheic flow: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 37, no 7, p. 106.
Peterson, E.W. , Van der Hoven, S.J., and Halihan, T, 2005, Confirmation of a conceptual model, interaction between a stream and a glacial outwash aquifer, using electrical resistivity surveys: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 37, no 7, p 105.
Peterson, E. W. , 2005, Fate of 17 b -estradiol (E2) in water and sediment-pore water from cave streams, 50 th Annual Midwest Ground Water Conference Program with Abstracts, p. 36
Peterson, E.W. , 2005, Fluid and solute transport from a conduit to the matrix in a carbonate aquifer system, Illinois Groundwater Association, April 26, 2005
Peterson, E.W., Sickbert, T.B., and Moore, S., 2004, Stream bed mobility in a low-gradient, third-order perennial stream: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 36, no 5, p.
Hunt, L. I., Peterson, E.W., Nelson, R., and Malone, D., 2004, Factors of gas migration within the Mt. Simon and Eau Claire Formations in the underground gas storage field at Troy Grove, Illinois: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 36, no 5, p.
Peterson, E.W., Sickbert, T.B., and Moore, S., 2004, Stream mobility in a low-gradient, third-order perennial stream: Illinois Water 2004, October 13-14, Urbana, IL, Published abstracts.
Hunt, L.I., Peterson, E., Malone, D., Nelson, R., and Pugin, A., 2004, Factors of Gas Migration within the Mt. Simon and Eau Claire Formations in the Underground Gas Storage Field at Troy Grove, Illinois, AAPG Student EXPO
Kelley, C.A., Wicks, C.M., Peterson, E.W., 2004, Estrogens in karst springs basins of Missouri, ASLO’s (Am. Soc. Limnology and Oceanography) summer meeting, Published abstracts.
Sickbert, T.B., and Peterson, E.W., 2004, Estimating streambed hydraulic conductivity by model calibration: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 36, no , p. .
Willems, B., Peterson, E.W., and Malone, D.H., 2004, Model of a groundwater/surface water interaction within the Ticona Channel Near Leonore, Illinois: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 36, no , p.
Regupathy, H., Peterson, E.W., and Davis, R.K., 2004, Transient Model simulation to study the effect of recharge and evapotranspiration on the head in high density fractured clayey till: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 36, no , p.
Peterson, E.W. and Sickbert, T.B., 2003, Assessment of stream water bypass through a meander neck in a flood plain: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 35, no 7, p. 376.
Sickbert, T.B., and Peterson, E.W., 2003, The effect of lateral differences in stream velocity on hyporheic interchange, Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 35, no 7, p. 376.
Peterson, E.W. and Wicks, C.M., 2002, Sensitivity in spring discharge to changes in physical and hydrologic properties of a conduit dominated karst aquifer system: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 34, no. 6, p. 227.
Ndubuka, C., Wicks, C.M., and Peterson, E.W., 2002, The significance of 17 b-Estradiol in the Rock Bridge Stream/Spring system, MO: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 34, no. 6, p. 163.
Kelley, C. A., C. M. Wicks, E. W. Peterson, C. Ndubuka, and R. Lerch, 2002, Mass flux of natural estrogen through a karst spring system, ASLO’s (Am. Soc. Limnology and Oceanography) summer meeting, Published abstracts. Peterson, Eric W., and Wicks, Carol M., 2001, Numerically modeled tracer movement through a conduit-matrix system: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol 32, no. 7.
Peterson, E.W. and Wicks, C.M., 2001, Simulating contaminant transport within a conduit-porous matrix system: implications for the applicability of a pipe-flow model: Association of Engineering Geologists, Association of Engineering Geologists and American Institute of Professional Geologists Joint Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO.
Peterson, E.W., Wicks, C.M., and Kelley, C., 2001, Fate of 17 b-Estradiol in waters and sediments of karst systems of Missouri: United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2001 Science To Achieve Results (STAR) Program Annual Graduate Fellowship Conference, Silver Springs, MD.
Peterson, E.W. and Wicks, C.M., 2001, Using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to Model Groundwater Through Branchwork Conduit Systems: St. Louis Section of the Association of Engineering Geologists, 4th Annual Student Presentation Competition, Rolla, MO.
Peterson, E.W., Wicks, C.M., 2000, Modeling groundwater through branchwork conduit systems using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM), Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 81, No. 48, p. F529.
Peterson, Eric W., and Wicks, Carol M., 1999, Establishing a sampling protocol for the evaluation of 17 b-estradiol in ground and surface waters: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, vol. 31, no. 7, p. 157
Peterson, Eric W., and Dogwiler, T., 1999, Water Quality: Perche Creek and Eagle Bluffs Bottom Lands: Missouri Groundwater Quarterly, v. 6, no. 1, p. 6-7.
Peterson, Eric W., Davis, Ralph K., and Orndorff H. A., 1998, Movement of nitrate through regolith covered karst, Northwest Arkansas: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, v. 30, no. 7.
Peterson, E. W., 1998, Evaluation of animal waste on groundwater using Nitrate-Nitrogen, Bacteria, and 17 b-Estradiol: Missouri Groundwater Quarterly, v. 5, no. 3, p. 2.
Peterson, E.W., Orndorff, H. A., and Davis, R. K., 1998, 17 b-Estradiol: A potential tool in the evaluation of impacts of animal waste on groundwater: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, v. 30, no. 3, p. 29-30
Peterson, E.W., Davis, R.K., and Brahana, J.V., 1997, The use of regression analysis in predicting nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in springs of Northwest Arkansas: Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs, v. 29, no. 6, p. 182