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Attendee Information


Students attending the summer academy will:
1) Learn fundamentals of coding and develop basic programs
2) Learn about the different IT degrees on campus, and get exposed to core concepts in those degrees
3) Work with mentors who are current students
4) Engage in fun activities while exploring campus
5) Meet fellow academy attendees who are other incoming freshmen in the School IT, just like you
6) Learn from IT professionals about life after earning your degree


All participants will stay in East campus for check-in on Sunday, June 8 in the evening and departure on Friday, June 13 after lunch. The campus residential hall and room information will be provided to you in your Know Before You Go Email that will be sent out on May 28th.


All participants will eat breakfast and dinner in Watterson Dining Commons. Lunch will be provided in your classroom location. Meals will start with dinner on Sunday evening and end with lunch on Friday. Snacks will be provided each night. Any dietary restrictions need to be submitted within the registration form.


All participants that need a parking pass for the date they are on campus for the Academy will need to request that when completing the registration form. All requested parking passes will be provided to each participant when checking into the residential hall on Sunday night. We cannot provide parking passes for anyone that request it on-site. It must be done beforehand.


If you plan to take the train to campus, you will arrive in Uptown Station (11 Uptown Circle, Normal, IL). This is located directly across from campus. We will have one planning committee member available to pick-up any participants from Uptown Station at 12:15 pm on June 8th at one dedicated time. This information will be posted by March 20th in order for you to plan accordingly.


Parking Map: View Now! – Please note, you will receive specific parking instructions in May.
Campus Map: View Now!
Safe Redbird App: View Now!
Uptown Normal: View Now!


If you require any special accommodations to fully participate, please submit within the registration form or email Megan at by May 15.


An informational Know Before You Go email will be sent out to all registered participants on May 28th. This will contain campus maps, final parking information, arrival location details, on-site contact information, and more! Please check the email you used when registering to find this Know Before You Go email. A final email with reminders will be sent out on June 4th.

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