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I enjoy teaching literature, language, and culture at every level of the curriculum.  In my literature courses, I work with students to advance their understanding of literary texts and literature in context.  In all of my courses I seek to expose students to both the challenges and the pleasures of reading and analyzing literature and applying tools of analysis to other cultural artifacts, including and especially film and the visual arts.

My topics courses invariably delve into contemporary Latin American culture through literary or visual arts.  All of my classes bring gender issues, either explicitly stated or implicitly embedded in the readings, to the fore and when possible my courses are cross-listed with ISU’s interdisciplinary programs in Women’s and Gender Studies or Latin American and Latino Studies.

Courses I Teach

  • SPA 213 Written Communication in Spanish
  • SPA 214 Oral Communication in Spanish
  • SPA 233 Introduction to Hispanic Literature
  • SPA 244 Latin American Cultures and Civilizations
  • SPA 305 Topics in Hispanic Civilization and Culture
    • Topics: Latin American Cinema in the Twenty First Century; Culture, Power, and Resistance Under Dictatorship
  • SPA 327 Latin American Literature from the Late 19th Century through the Present
  • SPA 336 Topics in Spanish American Literature
    • Topics: Literature and Dictatorship; Dictators and the Women and Others Who Resist Them​
  • SPA 385 Topics in Hispanic Literature
  • Topics: Women Writers in Latin America and Spain; the New Political Novel in Latin America and Spain
  • SPA 425 The Spanish American Novel
  • SPA 434 Seminar in Contemporary Latin American Literature
    • ​Topics: Poetry and Anti-Poetry in Chile; Latin American Avant-Gardes
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