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In brief, after 50 years of T, L, R&D:

My research is in Quantum Math-Physics, with two books sketching the Digital World Theory … and recently, the final breakthrough, what Gravity really is: a byproduct of nuclear spin polarization (see Alzofon-Ionescu Theory of Gravity and refs within).

Gravity is NOT a fundamental interaction and the gravitational potential can be controlled!

… and much more: what quark flavors are, why there are only three generations of fermions etc.

            Recent Presentations and Preprints (2010-> present)
                (See also L. M. Ionescu Articles and Presentations list, if not included below)
On the Arrow of Time (old, but new!)
Remarks on Physics as Number Theory, 2011
From Feynman amplitudes to the Qubit Model, 2016
The Finite String Theory Project, 2016
De Rham Cohomology of Finite Abelian Groups, Sept. 2016
Jacobi Sums and String Theory, Sept. 2016
Statistical Exploration of Riemann Zeros using CAGE
SAGE / CoCalc  Programs (2015-2016)
      – Algebraic Number Theory
        – Riemann Zeros
        – Miscellaneous: …

Periods, Feynman Integrals and Jacobi Sums, 2017 Jan. 15
Math-Physics Discussions on BCFW Recursion   2017, May-Aug.?
Constructible numbers and periods, ISU Alg. Seminar, Beamer Presentation, Sept. 21, 2017
Periods, Quantization Functors and Multiple Zeta Functions, Sept., 2017
Octonions and Physics, ISU Alg. Seminar, Sept. 28, 2017
STEM Project: Standard Model and Category Theory, Fall 2017
MAT 349 Introduction to Complex Analysis (ads talk!), Wed. Oct. 18, 2017
On Prime Numbers and Riemann Zeros, JAAM, Vol. 2, No. 4, Oct. 2017

A study of p-adic Frobenius lifts and p-adic periods, APM Vol 8 No.4, pp.408-418, arXive: 1801.07570
– Periods: Variation sur un theme de Kontsevich, IHES presentation, slides.
Periods: from Local to Global, IHES v.1, Jan. 2018.
Primes and Deformations, ISU Algebra Seminar talk, March 1, 2018.
On Scholarship and Dissemination: Open Access Journals vs. Traditional Publishing, March 2, 2018.
On Modeling Quark Flavor, joint work with Jackson Earl, ISU UG Research Symposium, April 2018.
A note on manifolds vs. networks as mathematical models in modern physics, May 2018;
What is a muon anyways!?, July, 2018.
Periods: from Global to Local, ver.1, IHES notes, June 2018.
Periods, Feynman Integrals and Jacobi Sums, ver. 1, 2018 (after ISU talk 2017).
The Platonic Universe (and the ADE-Classification), ISU Algebra Seminar, 11/28.
On Finite Subgroups of SU(N) and Applications to Elementary Particle Physics, URG/SFF, Nov. 2018.

The Divisions Group Invariant and Galois Theory (On ADE and Belyi-Grothendieck), Math-Phys Seminar presentation, Google slides, 1/18/2019.
– “e, pi, chi … alpha?”, article on Sir M. Atiyah’s recent work and the fine structure constant, Feb., 2019.
“The Qubit Model: A Platonic and Exceptional Quantum Theory”, (The Platonic Universe), article/pdf, Feb. 1, 2019.
– “The Arithmetic of Galois Theory and Anabelian Geometry“, ISU Alg. Seminar/Google slides, Feb. 13 & 20, 2019
– “Applications of Platonic Solids in Sciences“, joint work with Joshua Lacy, ISU UG Colloquium, pptx slide, April 2019.
– “From Periods to Anabelian Geometry and Quantum Amplitudes, GP for IHES / pdf, June 2019.
– IHES Summer School Proposal: Graphs on Surfaces and Applications, July 2019.
– “Arithmetic Galois Theory” Google slides (long version); AGT short Beamer version, ISU Alg. Seminar, Sept. 26, 2019.

– “On Teaching, Learning and AI“, Jan. 2020.
– “Teaching Mathematics with Technology“, ISU CTLT Symposium, Jan.8 (pdf, pptx).
– “Arithmetic Galois Theory“, Google presentation at Joint Math. Meeting, Denver Jan.17, 2020; pdf/pptx.
   JMM – Arithmetic Galois Theory (Beamer ver.).
– “On Galois Theory with an Invitation to Category Theory“, Parts I & II, Alg. Seminar, Feb. 13 & 20; pdf
– “A Tentative UFT including Gravity” – Essay for the Gravity Research Foundation Contest, April.
– “What is a muon anyways: meson or lepton?“, J. High Energy Gravity and Cosmology, Vol. 6, No.2, April 2020, pp 244-250.
– “From Periods to Anabelian Geometry and Quantum Amplitudes“, Advances in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 10, No.5, May 15, 2020, pp.229-244.

– “Hodge Structures and Motives” (Google Slides), IHES online presentation, Nov.11, pdf.
– “On Hodge Structures Part I: Algebraic aspects“, IHES ver. Nov. 5.
– “On Kontsevich Generalizations of Tian-Todorov Theorem and applications“, IHES preprint, Nov.13.
– “Classification of holomorphic functions as Polya vector fields via Differential Geometry”, with G. Pripoae and C. Pripoae, draft ver. Nov. (available on request).

Additional presentations can be found on the ISU Algebra Seminar website.




Older (scattered) articles of some general interest

  1. On super-symmetry, anti-gravity and “free-energy”, Proceedings of NPA, after a presentation at NPA 2011.

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