Mennonite College of Nursing Scholarship Symposium
2025 Virtual Scholarship Symposium Sponsored by MCN and Sigma Xi Pi Chapter
April 17th from 3 pm to 5 pm on Zoom
Registration is open now until Friday, April 11. Space is limited!
The Mennonite College of Nursing Scholarship Symposium will take place on Thursday, April 17th 2025 from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Central Time. The event will be held live on Zoom and will include poster presentations.
All dimensions of nursing scholarship will be presented including research, evidence-based practice projects, quality improvement projects, literature reviews, and thoughts in progress.

Tentative Timeline
- 3 pm to 3:05 pm | Introductions
- 3:05 pm to 4:10 pm | Poster Presentations in Breakout Rooms
- 4:10 pm to 4:55 pm | Keynote Presentation and Q&A | Jessie M. Casida, PhD, RN, APN-C, FAAN
Margaret Randolph Research & Innovation Scholar, Professor, Mennonite College of Nursing - 4:55 pm to 5:00 pm | Evaluation and Award Announcement
Accreditation Statement
Illinois State University Mennonite College of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
This live activity is a maximum of 1.5 ANCC RN contact hours.
To be awarded for the RN contact hours learners must:
- Attend the entire virtual session and
- Complete the required evaluation using the Qualtrics link.
The following abstract awards will be presented:
- Best Evidence-Based Practice or Quality Improvement Abstract
- Best Research Abstract
- Best Thoughts in Progress Abstract