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Selected Publications

2014. Making Distribution Markets: Market-Wide Institutions in French and American Bicycle Distribution, 1865-1914. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 73(1):178-209.

2013. Market-Widening: Shaping Total Market Demand for French and American Bicycles circa 1890. Marketing Theory, 14(1):19-34.

2013. Market Cycles: Bicycles, Riders, Industries and Environments in France and the United States, 1865-1914. Forthcoming in American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 72(2):468-496.

2012. The French Velocipede Industry in the Early 1870s: Analysis and Further Questions. Co-author: David V. Herlihy. In Cycle History 23: Proceedings of the 23rd International Cycling History Conference. Gary Sanderson, ed.

2012. National Market Communities: Bicycle Use and Civil Society in France and the United States, 1867-1910. Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 15(1):63-85.

2006. Building Community, Legitimating Consumption: Creating the U.S. Bicycle Market, 1876-1884.Socio-Economic Review, 4(3):417-446.​

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