Rachael A. DiSciullo
Ph.D., 2023
Sexual selection on house wren song

DiSciullo, R.A., A.M. Forsman, R.R. Fitak, J. Hunt, P. Nietlisbach, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2024. Male song structure predicts offspring recruitment to the breeding population in a migratory bird. Evolution 78: 1054-1066.
DiSciullo, R.A., S.K. Sakaluk, and C.F. Thompson. 2023. Song structure of male northern house wrens and patterns of song production and delivery across the nesting cycle. Journal of Ornithology 165:203-216.
DiSciullo, R.A., and A.L. Basolo. 2020. Body size, but not age-at-maturation or context, affects the expression of predator-induced behavioural plasticity in female green swordtails (Xiphophorus hellerii). Ethology 126: 320-332
DiSciullo, R.A., C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2019. Perceived threat to paternity reduces likelihood of paternal provisioning in house wrens. Behavioral Ecology 30: 1336-1343.
Check out this recent article about Rachael in the Graduate School Newsletter
Emerson Keith Bowers
M.S., 2011; Ph.D., 2014;
Post-doctoral Fellow, 2015-2016
Visit Keith’s web page:
Parental investment, sibling competition, maternal effects, and sex allocation

Recipient of the 2016 John Maynard Smith Prize from the European Society for Evolutionary Biology
To find a list of Keith’s publications, visit his web site
Kevin P. Eckerle
Ph.D., 2001
Mate choice in house wrens

Thompson, C.F., and K.P. Eckerle. 2022. Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria virens), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (P. G. Rodewald and B. K. Keeney, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. https://doi.org/10.2173/bow.yebcha.02
Bowers, E.K., J.L. Grindstaff, S.S. Soukup, N.E. Drilling, K.P. Eckerle, S.K. Sakaluk, and C.F. Thompson. 2016. Spring temperatures influence selection on breeding date and the potential for phenological mismatch in a migratory bird. Ecology 97: 2880-2891.
Eckerle, K.P., and C.F. Thompson. 2006. Mate choice in house wrens: nest cavities trump male characteristics. Behaviour 143: 253-271.
Eckerle, K.P., and C.F. Thompson. 2005. Addition of arthropod cocoons to house wren nests is correlated with delayed breeding. Behavioral Ecology 16: 1-7.
Eckerle, K.P., and C.F. Thompson. Yellow-breasted Chat Icteria virens. 2001. In The Birds of North America, No. 575 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
Styrsky, J.D., K.P. Eckerle, and C.F. Thompson. 1999. Fitness-related consequences of egg mass in nestling house wrens. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B 266: 1253-1258.
Lauren M. Leischner
M.S., 2024
Effects of individual quality on reproduction: investigating double brooding and egg pigmentation
in house wrens (Troglodytes aedon)

Paige A. Duncan
M.S., 2022
Effects of elevated nestbox temperature during incubation and vitamin E diet supplements on nestling growth and survival

Duncan, P.A., A.M. Tauber, S.K. Sakaluk, and C.F. Thompson. 2024. Interactive effects of increased nestbox temperature and vitamin E on nestling growth are attenuated by plasticity in female incubation effort. Ethology 130: 1-13.
Madison A. Rittinger
M.S., 2021
Sex-specific effects of hatching order on nestling baseline corticosterone in a wild songbird

Rittinger, M.A., R.M. Bowden, L.A. Sauers, R.T. Paitz, C.J. Poppe, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2022. Sex-specific effects of hatching order on nestling baseline corticosterone in a wild songbird. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 318: 113964.
Kara Hodges
M.S., 2019
Connecting the dots: exploring the relationship between avian eggshell pigmentation and paternal provisioning effort

Thompson, C.F., K.E. Hodges, N.T. Mortimer, A.D. Vrailas-Mortimer, S.K. Sakaluk, and M.E. Hauber. 2022. Avian eggshell coloration predicts shell-matrix protoporphyrin content. Canadian Journal of Zoology 100: 77-81.
Hodges, K.E., N.T. Mortimer, A.D. Vrailas-Mortimer, S.K. Sakaluk, and C.F. Thompson. 2020. Connecting the dots: avian eggshell pigmentation, female condition and paternal provisioning effort. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 130: 114-127.
Beth Weber
M.S., 2018
Pre- and post-natal effects of experimentally increased maternal corticosterone on growth and development

Hodges, C.J., D.M. Poorboy, B.M. Weber, and C.F. Thompson. 2019. Beak abnormality hinders provisioning ability and reduces body condition of a female house wren (Troglodytes aedon). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131: 128-134.
Weber, B.M., E.K. Bowers, K.A. Terrell, J.F. Falcone, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2018. Pre- and postnatal effects of experimentally manipulated maternal corticosterone on growth, stress reactivity and survival of nestling house wrens. Functional Ecology 32: 1995-2007.
Dylan Poorboy
M.S., 2018
Effects of territory quality on pre- and post-natal parental investment

Hodges, C.J., D.M. Poorboy, B.M. Weber, and C.F. Thompson. 2019. Beak abnormality hinders provisioning ability and reduces body condition of a female house wren (Troglodytes aedon). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131: 128-134.
Poorboy, D.M., E.K. Bowers, S.K. Sakaluk, and C.F. Thompson. 2018. Experimental cross-fostering of eggs reveals effects of territory quality on reproductive allocation. Behavioral Ecology 29: 1190-1198
Darren S. Will
B.S. (Honors thesis), 2016
Influence of the size of the nest-cavity entrance on male attractiveness and nestling provisioning

Will, D.S., E.E. Dorset, C.F. Thompson, S.K. Sakaluk, and E.K. Bowers. 2017. Size of nest-cavity entrance influences male attractiveness and paternal provisioning in house wrens. Journal of Zoology 302: 1-7.
Erin E. Dorset
M.S., 2015
Behavioral plasticity in response to perceived predation risk

Dorset, E.E., S.K. Sakaluk, and C.F. Thompson. 2017. Behavioral plasticity in response to perceived predation risk in breeding house wrens. Evolutionary Biology 44: 227-239.
Will, D.S., E.E. Dorset, C.F. Thompson, S.K. Sakaluk, and E.K. Bowers. 2017. Size of nest-cavity entrance influences male attractiveness and paternal provisioning in house wrens. Journal of Zoology 302: 1-7.
Meghan S. Strange
M.S., 2015
Pre- and post-natal effects of corticosterone on fitness-related traits in nestlings

Strange, M.S., R.M. Bowden, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2016. Pre- and post-natal effects of corticosterone on fitness-related traits and the timing of endogenous corticosterone production in a songbird. Journal of Experimental Zoology 325A: 347-359

Craig A. Barnett
Post-doctoral Fellow, 2008-2010
Visit Craig’s web page:
Adult aggressive and provisioning behavior and nestling begging

House wren publications
Barnett, C.A., T.N. Suzuki, S.K. Sakaluk, and C.F. Thompson. 2015. Mass-based conditon measures and their relationship with fitness: in what condition is condition? Journal of Zoology 296: 1-5.
Barnett, C.A., S.K. Sakaluk, and C.F. Thompson. 2014. Aggressive displays by male house wrens are composed of multiple components that predict attack. Journal of Field Ornithology 85: 56-62.
Barnett, C.A., C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2012. Aggressiveness, boldness and parental food provisioning in male house wrens (Troglodytes aedon). Ethology 118: 984-993.
Barnett, C.A., S.G. Clairardin, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2011. Turning a deaf ear: a test of the manipulating androgens hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 81: 113-120.
Clairardin, S.G., C.A. Barnett, S.K. Sakaluk, and C.F. Thompson. 2011. Experimentally increased in ovo testosterone leads to increased plasma bactericidal activity and decreased cutaneous immune response in nestling house wrens. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 2778-2782.
Christine J. Poppe
M.S., 2014
(aka The Wren Whisperer)
What limits clutch size?

Rittinger, M.A., R.M. Bowden, L.A. Sauers, R.T. Paitz, C.J. Poppe, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2022. Sex-specific effects of hatching order on nestling baseline corticosterone in a wild songbird. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 318: 113964.
Hodges, C.J., D.M. Poorboy, B.M. Weber, and C.F. Thompson. 2019. Beak abnormality hinders provisioning ability and reduces body condition of a female house wren (Troglodytes aedon). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131: 128-134.
Hodges, C.J., E.K. Bowers, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2015. Cascading costs of reproduction in female house wrens induced to lay larger clutches. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 1383-1393.
Bowers, E.K., C.J. Hodges, A.M. Forsman, L.A. Vogel, B.S. Masters, B.G.P. Johnson, L.S. Johnson, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2014. Neonatal body condition, immune responsiveness, and hematocrit predict longevity in a wild bird population. Ecology 95: 3027-3034.
Bowers, E.K., R.A. Smith, C.J. Hodges, L.M. Zimmerman, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2012. Sex-biased terminal investment in offspring induced by maternal immune challenge in the house wren (Troglodytes aedon). Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B 279: 2891-2898.
Cassie J. Lothery
M.S., 2012
Food supplementation effects on female incubation behavior and plasma corticosterone levels

Lothery, C.M., C.F. Thompson, M.L. Lawler, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2014. Food suppmentation fails to reveal a trade-off between incubation and self-maintenance in female house wrens. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106260.
Jennifer Sutherland
M.S., 2010
Effects of dietary carotenoid supplementation on nestling immune function

Sutherland, J.L., C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2012. No effect of carotenoid supplementation on PHA response or body condition of nestling house wrens. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85: 21-28.
Megan L. DeMory
M.S., 2009
Effect of male attractiveness on paternal care

DeMory, M.L., C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2010. Male quality influences male provisioning in house wrens independent of attractiveness. Behavioral Ecology 21: 1156-1164.
Susan C. Grana
M.S., 2009
Effect of manipulating male attractiveness on maternal resource allocation to offspring

Grana, S.C., S.K. Sakaluk, R.M. Bowden, M.A. Doellman, L.A. Vogel, and C.F. Thompson. 2012. Reproductive allocation in female house wrens is not influenced by experimentally altered male attractiveness. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 1247-1258.
Anna M. Forsman
M.S., 2007
Immune response and body condition of within-pair and extra-pair sired nestlings

DiSciullo, R.A., A.M. Forsman, R.R. Fitak, J. Hunt, P. Nietlisbach, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2024. Male song structure predicts offspring recruitment to the breeding population in a migratory bird. Evolution 78: in press
Bowers, E.K., A.M. Forsman, B.S. Masters, B.G.P. Johnson, L.S. Johnson, S.K. Sakaluk, and C.F. Thompson. 2015. Increased extra-pair paternity in broods of aging males and enhanced recruitment of extra-pair young in a migratory bird. Evolution 69: 2533-2541.
Sakaluk, S.K., A.J. Wilson, E.K. Bowers, L.S. Johnson, B.S. Masters, B.G.P. Johnson, L.A. Vogel, A.M. Forsman, and C.F. Thompson. 2014. Genetic and environmental variation in condition, cutaneous immunity, and haematocrit in house wrens. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 242.
Bowers, E.K., C.J. Hodges, A.M. Forsman, L.A. Vogel, B.S. Masters, B.G.P. Johnson, L.S. Johnson, C.F. Thompson, and S.K. Sakaluk. 2014. Neonatal body condition, immune responsiveness, and hematocrit predict longevity in a wild bird population. Ecology 95: 3027-3034.
Thompson, C.F., S.K. Sakaluk, B.S. Masters, B.G.P. Johnson, L.A. Vogel, A.M. Forsman, L.S. Johnson. 2014. Condition-dependent sex difference in nestling house wren (Troglodytes aedon) response to phytohaemagglutinin injection. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 1-7.
Forsman, A.M., S.K. Sakaluk, C.F. Thompson, and L.A. Vogel. 2010. Cutaneous immune activity, but not innate immune responsiveness, covaries with mass and environment in nestling house wrens (Troglodytes aedon). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83: 512-518.
Forsman, A.M., L.A. Vogel, S.K. Sakaluk, B.G. Johnson, B.S. Masters, L.S. Johnson, and C. F. Thompson. 2008. Female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) increase the size, but not immunocompetence, of their offspring through extra-pair mating. Molecular Ecology 17: 3697-3706.
Forsman, A.M., L.A. Vogel, S.K. Sakaluk, J.L. Grindstaff, and C.F. Thompson. 2008. Immune-challenged house wren broods differ in the relative strengths of their responses among different axes of the immune system. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 873-878.
Robert C. Dobbs
M.S., 2001
Reproductive costs of incubation
Dobbs, R.C., J.D. Styrsky, and C.F. Thompson. 2006. Clutch size and the costs of incubation in the house wren. Behavioral Ecology 17: 849-856.
Styrsky, J.D., R.C. Dobbs, and C.F. Thompson. 2002. Sources of egg-size variation in house wrens: ontogenetic and environmental components. Auk 119: 800-807.
Ellis, L.A., J.D. Styrsky, R.C. Dobbs, and C.F. Thompson. 2001. Female condition: a predictor of hatching synchrony in the house wren? Condor 103: 587-591.
Styrsky, J.D., R.C. Dobbs, and C.F. Thompson. 2000. Food-supplementation does not override the effect of egg mass on fitness-related traits of nestling house wrens. Journal of Animal Ecology 69: 690-702.
Shannon J. Janota
M.S., 2001
Offspring sex ratio in the house wren

Shannon M. Janota (Shannon J. Forsythe)
Johnson, L.S., C.F. Thompson, S.K. Sakaluk, M. Neuhäuser, B.G.P. Johnson, S.S. Soukup, S.J. Forsythe, and B.S. Masters. 2009. Extra-pair young in house wren broods are more likely to be male than female. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B 276: 2285-2289.
Janota, S.M., S.S. Soukup, and C.F. Thompson. 2002. Male-biased offspring sex ratio in the house wren. Condor 104: 881-885.