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Grassroots Writing Research Journal

The Grassroots Writing Research Journal is produced twice each year by the Writing Program at Illinois State University. The print issue of each journal is used as a primary text in two of ISU’s undergraduate general education writing courses. Digital versions of previous issues are available (free) online. The title of the journal reflects our aspirations—to present writing research by different authors and in a wide range of different topics, forms, and media. We call what we do “Citizen Writing Research, because we publish work by all kinds of authors: University faculty, graduate students, high school teachers, undergraduates, high school students, middle school students and non-students—all Writing Researchers. We encourage authors to study how writing happens, how it works and what it does in the world, and we encourage authors to also share their learning and writing practices. Thus, each new issue brings together a diverse collection of articles that all engage in some kind of writing research from a variety of authors.

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