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Prospective Students

  • Prerequisites 
    • Three semesters of calculus, 1 semester of linear algebra, and 4 additional appropriate mathematical and/or biological* courses.
  •   Core courses (taken by all M.S. students in the sequence): 
    • Differential Equations I 
    • Applied Probability Models 
    • Statistics and Data Analysis 
    • Quantitative Biomathematics 
    • Seminar in Biomathematics

In addition, students will choose from two areas of emphasis for 14 semester hours, with a minimum of 12 semester hours from the School of Biological Sciences. A minimum of 13 se​mester hours outside the core courses must be at the graduate level.

Students with no biology background may fulfill this requirement by taking an ONLINE BIOLOGY PREPARATION COURSE prior to their first semester at Illinois State.

Biostatistics and Modeling Emphasis

  • Time Series Analysis
  • Statistical Computing
  • Linear Programming
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Finite Sampling
  • Regression
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Multivariate Statistics
  • Design of Experiments
  • Plant Ecology
  • Population Ecology
  • Community Ecology
  • Advanced studies in Biostatistics
  • Evolutionary Population Genetics
  • Ethology
  • Neurobiology

Computation and Bioinformatics Emphasis

  • Statistical Computing
  • Discrete Math
  • Graph Theory
  • Advanced Topics in Discrete Math
  • Molecular Biology
  • Biotechnology Lab
  • Genomics & Bioinformatics
  • Advanced Cell Biology
  • Molecular Biology of the Gene
  • Microbial Genetics
  • Evolution
  • Evolutionary Population Genetics
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