I am Professor of Psychology at Illinois State University and I am affiliated with the Cognitive and Experimental Psychology Sequence in the Master’s in Psychology Program. I have been at Illinois State University since 2003. I am also the Psychology Department Honors Coordinator and Chairperson of the Psychology Department Awards Committee. I am an Associate Editor of the journal Ecological Psychology. I was honored to receive the ISU Outstanding University Researcher Award in 2019. Julia Blau and I co-edited a book titled Perception as Information Detection: Reflections on Gibson’s Ecological Approach to Visual Perception and co-authored a book titled Introduction to Ecological Psychology: A lawful approach to perceiving, acting, and cognizing.
Research Interests
- Perception-action
- Ecological psychology
- Perception of affordances
- Haptic perception and tool use
- Perceptual learning
Teaching Interests
- Introduction to Psychology
- Cognition and Learning
- Perception
- Cognitive Science
CV (updated January 2024)
Contact Information:
Department of Psychology
Campus Box 4620
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois USA 61790
email: jeffreywagman@illinoisstate.edu