Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim
Welcome to the Kim research group!
Research Interests
- Nano-/macro-scale composite materials
- Surface modification with functional polymers
- Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
- Solar-induced catalytic systems
- Drug delivery systems
Latest News
– A graduate student, Adewale Adehihmoye, joined the group, Spring 2021
– A graduate student, Eunice Ebbah, joined the group, Spring 2021
– A graduate student, Faith Eyimegwe, joined the group, Spring 2021
– A graduate student, Frank Egemole, graduated in Summer 2021 (currently at Simon Fraser U. for PhD)
– A graduate student, John Harms, graduated in Spring 2021 (currently at Alcami in St. Louis)
– A visiting scholar, Jaehan Yun, (currently at DanKook U. in South Korea, Research Professor)
– A graduate student, Jemima Lartey, graduated in Spring 2020 (currently at Iowa State U. for PhD)
– A graduate student, Pascal Eyimegwu, graduated in Fall 2019 (currently at Abbvie in Chicago)
* The group is received a sub-award grant from Shiwoo, South Korea (Mar 2022- Feb 2023)!
* Dr. Kim as co-PI is received a NSF-MRI grant (Oct 2021 – Sep 2024)
* The group is received a sub-award grant from KMU, South Korea (Apr 2018-Mar 2021)!
* The group is awarded a grant from ACS-Petroleum Research Fund (Sept 2017-Aug 2020)!
* The group is also awarded a joint research grant from National Institute of Justice (Jan 2018 – Dec 2019)!
- Vitae (doc)
- Vitae (pdf)
SLB 216
Department of Chemistry
Illinois State University
Campus Box 4160
Phone: 309-438-2604
Email: jkim5@ilstu.edu