Thesis Supervision (Chair or Co-Chair) at Illinois State Univ. (2001 to present)
Gaiye Behrem (2023). Workplace discrimination and health: Effects for immigrants and women.
Victoria Garcia (2023). The impact of stress on graduate students’ organizational citizenship behaviors: The moderating role of mentorship.
Emma Harris (2022). The moderating effect of mission statement integration within non-profit organizations.
Megan O’Rourke Daigle (2022). Working with great expectations: The impact of met and unmet expectations on employee engagement and intent to leave.
Alexandra Regueros Batsieva (2021). How telecommuting affects employees’ job and life satisfaction: An examination of their relationship as mediated by stress.
Elizabeth Williams (2021). Job demands and burnout: Applying emotional labor and emotion regulation to the Job-Demands Resources Model.
Hyunji Suh (2019). Can playing politics in the workplace be good? Role of political skill in predicting job performance.
Japher Su (2019). Working hard and work outcomes: The relation of workaholism and work engagement with job satisfaction, burnout, and work hours.
Kathleen Dill (2017). Work-Family domain interference by technology use during non-work times: An investigation of cyberstress, work-family conflict, and boundary management.
Kamila Gabka (2015). Workplace stressors and employee well-being: The roles of affect, boredom proneness, and counterproductive work behaviors.
Frances Rynders (2015). A model of organizational alignment: Identifying predictors and outcomes.
Nick Strong (2015). Antecedents and correlates of work engagement in adolescents.
Renee Durst (2013). Employees’ perceptions of spirituality in the workplace and meaning at work.
Leila Zaghloul (2013). Examining race, gender, and social support as determinants of voluntary turnover.
Elizabeth Allen (2010). Occupational stress in small business owners: Source differences based on ownership type and gender.
Dusty McEwen (2010). An investigation of the Big Five factor and facet-level personality correlates of job performance dimensions for business management consultants.
Jared Bartels (2009). The perceived work environment: Exploration of the concept and the creation and validation of a single universal measure.
Geoff Anthony (2009). The effect of challenge stress on creativity assessed in divergent thinking tasks.
Anish Thomas (2009). Application of a hybrid regression: A Monte Carlo simulation to explore the benefit of combining regression techniques.
Paul Quandt (2006).
Catharina Stens (2004).
Larry Uphoff (2004).
Ayuko Yokota (2003).
Kevin Swibaker (2003).
Jen Stauffer (2001).
Thesis Committee Member at Illinois State Univ. (2001 to present)
Miranda Maher (2020). Exploring emotions at work: The effects of trait affect and display rules on co-rumination.
Ryan Barry (2020). The Dark Tetrad at work: Examination of effects of bottom-line mentality, job satisfaction, and perceptions of organizational politics on counterproductive work behaviors.
Haley Hume (2019). Micromanagement Scale: Development and validation.
Hannah Archos (2016). Age and gender differences in the Five Factor Model.
Joey Morrison (2014). Moderators of the relationship between perceived employability and voluntary turnover.
Kandace Waddy (2013). Gender and racial harassment: The role of perceived threat, implicit attitudes, and explicit attitudes as an antecedent for incivility.
Trevor Setvin (2011, School of Communication)
Donnie Johnson (2010). Distal personality traits, midlevel goal orientation, and motivation to learn.
Amy Mast (2010). Coping strategies to reduce sexual harassment at work.
Brent Showalter (2008). Campus climate for sexual minority students: Antecedents and outcomes of heterosexist harassment.
Andre Cuoto (2007). Individual assessor validity: A lens model approach
Derek Berube (2006).
James Ringler (2005).
Altovise Rogers (2005).
Danita Eisenbise (2005).
Dissertation and Thesis Chair or Co-Chair at Univ of Texas El Paso (1995-2000)
Robert Hitlan, PhD
Armando Estrada, PhD
Myrna Gantner, PhD (2000). Perceptions synchronized: Insights from principals and parents into the role of the principalship.
Chasey Hunker, MS
Richard Becerra, MS
Dissertation and Thesis Committee Member at Univ of Texas El Paso (1995-2000; partial list)
Azenett Garza, PhD (2000). Effects of similarity and dissimilarity in intragroup and intergroup relations on expressions of prejudice.
Marcella Jones, MS (2000). Residual meaning and the implications of misquantifying ordinal levels of measurement.
Kristin McLaurin, MS (2000). Suggestiveness in child interviews: The McMartin preschool and Kelly Michaels cases.
Yolanda Martinez, MS (1999). Forms of questions in the McMartin preschool and Kelly Michaels cases.
Kimberley McClure, PhD (1998). The use of participant free-hand drawings and written verbal descriptions as practice for a facial recognition task: Implications for improving eyewitness identification accuracy.
Chasey Hunker, MS (1997). Effects of supervisor’s ethnicity and gender on subordinates’ satisfaction with supervision: A comparison of Hispanic and Nonhispanic employees.
Michael Watson, MS (1997). Instructional validation of the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills exam.
Julie Penley, MS (1997). Effects of inhibition and disclosure of trauma on cardiovascular reactivity during acute stress.
Lisa Velarde, MS (1997). Estimating the length of a child interview from the transcript alone.