Welcome to the page of Dr. Laura Vogel, Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences, and Professor of Immunology in the School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University. NOTE: I am not currently taking any new research students.

Dr. Laura Vogel, Associate Dean
My research interest is in the field of Immunology, the study of white blood cells and how they protect against infection. Particularly, I focus on cellular immunology and how immune responses are regulated. Our current projects include:
- Reptilian immunity. In collaboration with Dr. Rachel Bowden (ISU) we examine immune function in red-eared slider turtles. Little is known about reptilian immunity and recent research suggests reptiles have some unique strategies to combat disease. Additionally, turtles are long-lived animals and may provide insights to the effects of aging on immune responses. We were the first to report a novel type of B cell in these animals and our work continues to examine a variety of immune mechanisms and how they relate to development and behavior.
- Mucosal Immunity. Currently, we study mucosal immune responses in the intestine as many disease-causing microbes are encountered through the digestive tract. We are interested in B cell migration and antibody quantity and quality during aging. Additionally, we are investigating the role of B cell subsets in mucosal immune function.
- Aging and the immune system. As we get older, our immune system changes and leaves us susceptible to diseases such as cancer and influenza that young adults fight off more easily. My laboratory is interested in B cell responses and antibody production in aged animals. We use a mouse modesl to help us address questions related to how these white blood cells function.
Contact me
Laura Vogel
College of Arts and Sciences
Illinois State University
Campus Box 4100
Phone: (309) 438 – 5669