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Global change biology and conservation biogeography lab

Mississippi River lidar greens, Daniel Coe 2018

The research in the lab seeks to understand why species occur where they do, and what makes them vulnerable to global environmental changes. We apply biogeographical principles to understand biological responses to novel environments, from shifts in population performance to species distributions and community composition, with an emphasis on contemporary climate change and biological invasions.

To answer these questions, we combine both ecological and evolutionary theories to study the processes shaping species niches, the fluctuations in geographical range limits through space and time and the (re)assembly of communities. We are also interested in the application of this knowledge to inform conservation and management strategies to better anticipate biodiversity responses in a rapidly changing world.

We study streams and rivers – which are sadly among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth – with a special emphasis on fishes. However, our research interests are diverse and span well beyond freshwater ecosystems and aquatic vertebrates!

Interested in global change biology and conservation biogeography? We are always looking for motivated and enthusiastic graduate students (MS and PhD) and postdocs to join us! Prospective students and postdocs are encouraged to contact Lise Comte ( to discuss possible projects and funding opportunities.

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