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French 115

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French 115
Second-Year French Part I
Fall 2010, 
Section 1

Instructor:  Laura Edwards

When and Where: MTWR 2-2:50; STV 232

Office Hours: STV 231B; 1:30-2  M-R

Phone: 438-3279


Bienvenue dans la classe de Français 115​

Bienvenue dans la classe de Français 115​


French 112 or 3-4 years of strong high school French training, or the online self-placement test

Required Texts:

  • Mitschke, Cherie. Imaginez, le français sans frontières.
  • Imaginez supersite.  If you buy a new book you will find your supersite code inside the book.  The cost of the passcode will be included in the price of the book.   If you buy a used book go to, click on Imaginez, then on Imaginez Supersite Passcode and purchase for about $47.  You must also buy access to Web-SAM (the online workbook). Together this costs about $77.  Once you have the code, go to, put in e-mail address and passcode, and you are in the site.Complete the needed steps to register for your online Imaginez Supersite account. 
  • French/English paperback dictionary or, if you are going to continue your French, a full size dictionary.
  • You will find​ (an online translator) very helpful.

What to expect:

In this course you will be required to do a LOT of outside work. Since this is a 4 hour course, not 3, homework may take quite a bit of time. There is a strong expectation that you perfect basic verb conjugations and grammatical skills, (not fake your way through the semester) and use references to check your work.  How else can you succeed in this class?

  1. Repetition! When you’re in the shower, waiting for your tv program to begin, chatting with or texting a friend, conjugate verbs in all of the tenses that you’re supposed to know. Do this over and over again. Write in your journal in French.
  2. Within your classroom groups I will grade you according to how much French I hear spoken. I know that some things are difficult to explain fully in French, but I also know that many things are easy to say. If I hear you saying something in English that I know you can say in French, you will lose participation points as a result.
  3. We will hone in on your writing skills both through your homework responses and through your diligence and hard work on the 3 required compositions and subsequent error analyses.
  4. There will be 2 oral exams during which you and perhaps a partner will either meet with me privately, or you will give an in-class presentation on a topic. I will grade strictly on grammar and pronunciation, especially how “American” your accent is. Correct vowel sounds and attempts at pronouncing the French R are a must. If you require help, please come and see me or ask a tutor in the computer lab.
  5. You will also increase your knowledge of customs and cultural attitudes in French and Francophone countries through readings in the text, movie clips and French songs.
  6. You are strongly encouraged to attend le Cercle français on Wednesdays (any time between 3:30 and 5PM) in STV 113. This provides you the opportunity to meet other French-speaking students and professors and will help improve your listening and speaking skills.
  7. French film series: Students in 100-level French courses are required to attend one of the three films in our department’s French film series in STV 101. Students unable to attend the screenings will need to see the films on their own, either in the Media Resource Center at Milner Library or at home. In order to comply with copyright laws, admittance to the films will be limited to students currently enrolled in a French course at Illinois State. 
    1. Here’s the schedule:The films will be shown on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in STV 101.
    2. 11/3: Persepolis (award-winning animated film drawn from Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical graphic novel about her childhood and adolescence in Iran and France)
  8. Journal:  You are required to keep a journal that you turn in on the day before the chapter quiz each chapter.  In it, you will record how the chapter went for you.  Did you have problems in certain areas?  Do you have suggestions for teaching a certain aspect in a different way?  Are you struggling outside of class?  If everything is going well, you can also discuss that. This can be written in English but it would be a good idea to attempt to write a portion of it in French.  This journal should be at least a good 3-inch paragraph.

Language Facts

Coursework and Requirements:

Participation, Preparation, and Attendance:

Learning a language requires careful preparation, active participation, self-correction, and constant revision of the rules.  The following policies are designed to encourage and reward actions that will increase your learning. Participation will be graded on a percentage scale of 90,80,70,60 and below.  The evaluations will take into account:

  1. The consistency with which you express yourself, avoid English and speak French, correct your grammar mistakes, express thoughtful ideas, encourage others to do the above, and participate in and complete all in-class tasks.
  2. If you are not present you will receive a grade of 0.  Students are allowed 4 absences per semester. 
  3. Students who rarely or never attend class will NOT be permitted to take quizzes or exams and will receive an F for the course. This decision is left up to my discretion.
  4. The most active student, who consistently comes to class prepared, asks questions and pursues group discussion in French will earn between a 90-99.  The active student, who mostly comes to class prepared, but who often asks questions and pursues group discussion in English will earn between an 80-89.  The average student who most-always comes to class, but is frequently not prepared (does homework in class when it should already be done) and often does not actively engage in group and class discussion will earn between a 70-79. The student who often misses class, comes to a few classes per chapter and is consistently not keeping up with activities in class will earn a 69 or lower. 

Before coming to class:

  1. ​Read over and over the grammar explanations, dialogue, or text until you understand them.
  2. Do all Supersite and textbook exercises or composition assigned for the day.
  3. Look up, in a French/English dictionary, all words whose meaning is necessary to understand a sentence. The dictionary at the end of Imaginez will not suffice.  You must buy a dictionary and use an online ressourse like
  4. Copy and bring exercise sheets to class.


There will be daily assignments in the on-line workbook, in addition to assignments from the textbook. Use the Supersite correctly and constructively!  Note the deadlines. You cannot do homework after the final date for an assignment. Only in cases of illness will I consider extending the deadline for a student. 


  1. They are to be done on a computer with all French accents typed in.  
  2. Before turning in a draft or final version of you composition, you must use the spell check to correct the spelling and grammar, otherwise I will not correct them. If you do not have the spell check on your computer, you may wish to save your paper in Microsoft Word Format  and email it to yourself for correction in the Computer and Grammar Help Lab (STV 227B).   DO NOT LEAVE THE SPELL CHECK (or printing) UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE BEFORE CLASS!
  3. Put all drafts of your papers in a folder and hand them all in together every time you turn in a new draft.


  • ​There will be a quiz after every chapter. 
  • There will be a final exam which will cover Chapters 4-5 but will also be partially cumulative.   Chapter quizzes will cover all grammar, vocabulary, and readings.
  • There will be midterm and final oral exams.  You may receive a topic to be discussed before the exam, but the exam will not be limited to that topic.  The exams will either take place during or outside of class, depending on time-constraints.

Grade Calculations:

Class participation 15
Homework/supersite & Journals (5)   20
4 Chapter Quizzes  20
Compositions  (3) 15
Final Exam  20
Oral Exams    10

Weekly Schedule

Week I

Online assignments and workbook (Web-SAM) go along with these daily assignments. Be sure to keep up with your online assignments.  The grade from them is a full portion of your final grade.

Aug. 23, Introduction to course/syllabus/book maps and appendices; diagnostic exam

Aug. 24, (Read); 4-5 Pour Commencer (Mark vocabulary that you do not know and do ex. 1, 2 p.5); pp. 6-7 Préparation, Faites 1, 2 &3) Always check the Supersite for assignments corresponding to content learned in class each day.

Aug. 25 , 8-11 Court Métrage (Watch the film on the Supersite. You may follow along the script on p. 430 or there are subtitles on the film, and look up vocabulary that you need to understand), Faites 1, 3 & 6 pp.10-11; 14 “Roch Voisine-Je te serai fidèle” (Listen and look up vocabulary that you need to understand);   

Aug. 26, 10-11 Analyse continued;12-13, 15 “Les Etats-Unis et La Francophonie aux USA” (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand); Qu’avez-vous appris p. 15 – 1, 2 et l’Epreuve.

Week II

Composition I due this week. How to type accents

Aug. 30, Conversation 18-21 Structure 1.1 (Read grammar explanations, bring questions to class). Mise en Pratique p. 20 1, 2, 5 

Aug. 31, 16-17 Galérie des créateurs (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand) , p. 390 (-er, -ir, -re verbs) ex. 1, 2 p. 391

Sept. 1, 22-25 Structure 1.2 (Read grammar explanations, bring questions to class); p. 392 (Imperative) ex. 1, 2 p. 393

Sept. 2, 26-29 Structure 1.3 (Read grammar explanations, bring questions to class) First Composition Due (Composition I:  Ecrivez votre autoportrait. Comment êtes-vous, physiquement et mentalement?  Quelle est votre personnalité (vocab p. 4)? Décrivez ce que vous aimez et ce que vous n’aimez pas.   Poussez-vous d’employer des verbes et du vocabulaire de la leçon 1. Refer to # 4 p. 143 to give yourself more ideas of what to discuss. Minimum 100 words.  )

Week III

Frequent grammar errors

Sept. 6, LABOR DAY  

Sept. 7, Discuss first composition; 31-34 Les francophones d’Amérique (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand); 

Sept. 8, 35-38 Le pont Mirabeau (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand.  Faites 1 & 2 p. 34)  Review for quiz 1. Journal #1 due. 

Sept. 9, Quiz Chapter I, Error analysis due. (Meet with me outside of class by Friday.) 

Week IV

Sept. 13 ,   Conversation; p. 42-43: Pour Commencer (Mark vocabulary that you do not know. Faites 1 & 2); Préparation p. 44-45, faites 1 p. 44. 

Sept. 14, 46-49 Court Métrage (Watch the film on Supersite. Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand. Faites 1 & 2 p. 48.); 

Sept. 15 , 50-51, 53 “La France” (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand); Faites: 1, 2 & l’Epreuve p. 53. 

Sept. 16, 56-59 Structure 2.1 (Read grammar explanations, bring questions to class); Galérie des créateurs (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand before coming to class);   Lettre à N… Voici vos chansons! Check for spelling and grammar mistakes and bring to class on Monday.

Week V

Sept. 20 , Conversation;  Articles and Nouns p. 394, ex. 1 & 2 p. 395; 

Sept. 21 Il est/C’est p. 396, ex. 1 & 2 p. 397.

Sept. 22 , 60-63  Structure 2.2 (Read grammar explanations, bring questions to class); 

Sept. 23, 64-67 Structure2.3 (Read grammar explanations, bring questions to class); Préparation p. 69: faites 1 & 2 

Week VI

Sign up for Oral Exam I

Sept. 27, Conversation; 70-72 La Fête de la musique (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand. Faites 1 & 2 p. 72) Sign up for mid-term oral exam.

Sept. 28, 73-76 “Mai 68” (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand),

Sept. 29, 68 Synthèse, Review, Journal #2 due.

Sept. 30, Quiz Chapter II

Week VII

Oral I Exam will be held during this week

Exam description

Your second composition is due next week–read about it here. 

Oct. 4, Conversation; Pour Commencer (Mark vocabulary that you do not know); 82-83 Préparation; 90 Atlan – Paparazzi 

Oct. 5 , 84-87 Court Métrage (View the film on Supersite, Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand. Faites 1 & 2 p. 86.)

Oct. 6 , 88-89, 91 “Le Québec” (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand); Faites 2 & l’Epreuve p. 91. Oct. 7, 94-97 Structure 3.1, Faites 1, 2 & 6 pp. 96-97 ; Possessive Adjectives p. 398, ex. 1, 2 & 3 p. 399.  


Oct. 11, Conversation; 92-93 Galérie des créateurs (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand)    

Oct. 12 , 98-101  Structure 3.2 (Read grammar explanations, bring questions to class)   Maison d’être and auxiliary changes in past 

Oct. 13, 102-105 Structure3.3 Passé composé vs. imparfait  (Read grammar explanations, bring questions to class); Imparfait, p. 400, ex. 1, 2 & 3 p. 401.  

Oct. 14, 107-111 “Aux arbres, citoyens!” (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand); Second Composition Due today.

Week IX

Oct. 18, Conversation

Oct. 19, Imperfect practice page 1 and the rest of the document 

Oct. 20, 106 Synthèse, 111-114 “Chronique de l’an 2222” (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand) Review et rattrapage, Journal #3 due. 

Oct. 21, Quiz 3

Week X

Oct. 25, Conversation; 118-119: Pour Commencer – faites 1 & 2 p. 119; 128 Préparation p. 120-121, faites 1, 2 et 4. 

Oct. 26,  122-125 “Les Nubians-Demain” (Listen and look up vocabulary that you need to understand); Court Métrage (Watch the film on Supersite, faites 1, 2 & 4 p. 124.).      

Oct. 27, 126-7, 129 “Les Antilles” (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand); Faites 1, 2 et l’Epreuve p. 129    

Oct. 28, 132-35 Structure 4.1 – faites 1, 2&3 p. 134; Demonstrative Adjectives p. 402, ex. 1 & 2, p. 403 Pluperfect1pluperfect2

Week XI

Composition #3 due Thusday, November 4

Nov. 1 , Conversation; Le passé simple p. 404, ex. 1 & 2 p. 405

Nov. 2, 136-39 Structure 4.2  – faites 1 & 2 p. 138; Negatives and Indefinites worksheet; Galérie des créateurs (Read and look up vocabulary that you need to understand)       

Nov. 3 , 140-43 Structure 4.3 – faites 1& 2 p. 142;Nov. 4, 145-48 “Haïti” – faites #1 p. 148

Final Composition (#3) Due.

Week XII

Here is where you find out about the Final Oral Exam

Nov. 8, Conversation; 144 Synthèse

Nov. 9, 149-52 “Chien maigre et chien gras” – Faites 1&2 p. 152 ; Review for Quiz 4, Journal #4 due. 

Nov. 10, Quiz Chapter 4 

Nov. 11, 156-157 – Pour Commencer et faites 1, 2 & 3 p. 157; 166 Ecoutez “Alpha Blondy-Ca me fait si mal” (Listen and look up vocab you don’t understand.); Préparation 158-159 faites 1&2 p. 158  


Nov. 15, Conversation; 160-163 Court Métrage (View the film on Supersite, faites 1&2 p. 162 ), 

Nov. 16 , Object Pronouns p. 406, ex. 1 & 2 p. 407; Past participle agreement p. 408, ex. 1-3 p. 409; 170-73 Structure 5.1- faite 1,2&3 p. 172; 

Nov. 17 , 174-77 Structure 5.2 – faites 1,2 & 3; 

Nov. 18, 178-179 Structure 5.3 – faites 1&2 p. 180 

Week XIV

THANKSGIVING BREAK— (November 20-28)

Week XV

Oral Exam II will be held after Thanksgiving

Here is where you find out about the Final Oral Exam

Nov. 29, Conversation; More time on object pronouns, if needed

Nov. 30 , 164-5, 67 “L’Afrique de l’Ouest” faites 1, 2 et l’Epreuve p. 167; Lisez 168-169

Dec. 1, 183-86″Ousmane Sembène”; “La jeunesse africaine va à l’école sur internet” – faites #1 p. 186, Journal #5 due.

Dec. 2, Quiz Chapter 5

Week XVI

Oral Exam II will be held during this week during class time

Final Oral Exam info; Oral Exam Schedule

Dec. 6 , Oral Exams                                    

Dec. 7,  Oral Exams

Dec. 8, Review for Final Exam in class

Dec. 9,  Review for Final Exam in class

Final Exam: 

Tuesday, Dec. 14 at 1 pm

Any student needing to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability should contact Disability Concerns at 350 Fell Hall, 438-5853 (voice), 438-8620 (TTY).​

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