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Italian 111

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First Year Italian Part 1
Fall 2022

Instructor: Dr. Laura Edwards
When and Where: 1-1:50 M-R., STV 352
​Office Hours: STV 231B 2-2:30; M & W, by Zoom and by appt.
Phone: 438-3279

Benvenuti alla classe d'italiano 111
Benvenuti alla classe d’italiano 111

Required Text: Sentieri: Attraverso l’Italia Contemporanea (third edition) with online access (Supersite Plus and WebSAM)

Be sure to purchase the third edition, not the first or second!

When you buy a new book you will find your supersite code inside the book. Be very careful when you open the book so that you do not lose the paper with the code on it.

You can buy this book in many places on campus or you can buy it online. One option is to buy the book from VHL online. Here are the three formats that are permissible in the Italian 111, 112, 115, and 116 classes:

*same as the completely online access (Supersite Plus w/WebSAM) but with a physical book as well.

Other resources:

Grade Calculation:

Classroom participation15%
5 quizzes (esami)25%
Written/Spoken Assignments 20%
Online HW, conv hr., film etc.20%
Final Project 5%
Final listening and written exam15%

Class Policies:

1. Daily preparation and classroom performance: 

To do well in oral and written performance in class, you will need to study and practice material from the textbook and carefully complete the online and other homework assigned by the professor in preparation for each class.

2. Participation, Preparation, and Attendance: 

Learning a language requires careful preparation, active participation, self-correction, and constant revision of the rules. The following policies are designed to encourage and reward actions that will increase your learning. 

Participation will be graded on a percentage scale of 90,80,70,60 and below. The evaluations take into account:

  • The consistency with which you express yourself, avoid English and speak in Italian using vocabulary, grammar, and cultural understanding learned in class, correct and revise your mistakes, express thoughtful ideas, encourage others to do the above, and participate in and complete all in-class tasks.
  • If you are not present you will earn a grade of 0. Students are allowed up to 4 absences per semester but will still earn a 0 for each absence. After 4 absences, your final grade will be penalized. 
  • Students who rarely or never attend class will NOT be permitted to take quizzes or exams and will earn an F for the course. This decision is left up to my discretion.
  • The most active student, who consistently comes to class prepared, asks questions and pursues level-consistent group discussion in Italian will earn between a 90-99. The active student, who often comes to class prepared, but may not stay on task or push to speak in Italian will earn between an 80-89. The average student who most-always comes to class but is frequently not prepared (does homework in class when it should already be done or does not do it at all) and often does not actively engage in group and class discussion will earn between a 70-79. The student who often misses class, comes to a few classes per chapter and is consistently not keeping up with homework or take part in activities in class will earn a 69 or lower.

If you must be absent:
Make arrangements with me in advance if you will be missing class due to participation in a Sanctioned University Activity, fulfillment of a religious obligation, exercise of a bereavement leave, or another university- recognized excused absence. If you must miss class due to an extended illness (3 or more consecutive class days) or bereavement, the Student Health Services and the Dean of Students Office can help.

Classroom and email etiquette: Be present and pay attention to class and not your phone. Do not make a habit of arriving late, or getting up and leaving the classroom during class because it is disruptive to all. Try to speak Italian as much as possible! Ask questions and make comments. Stay curious and engaged! Use appropriate greetings when entering the classroom and when emailing professors. Many have PhDs and expect to be addressed with Dr. (“Dear Dr. E” vs. “Hey” or “Dear Mrs./Mr. X).

Tech Support: if you are having difficulty with getting your computer set up correctly, you can call the University IT HelpDesk at (309) 438-4357(HELP), or you can check out the website .

3. Homework on Sentieri site:

There will be graded assignments on the Sentieri site due over the course of each chapter. Try to do your homework each day in order to improve your understanding in class. Homework will be penalized for each day it is late and will not be accepted after the chapter test. 

4. Chapter Journal (diario)

You will submit a journal entry (diario) on Reggienet at the end of each chapter (due the day of each Chapter B quiz). You do not have to write in Italian. Your diario is intended for you and me to discuss your progress, anything going on in your life that you want me to know about, your feelings about the way the chapter was taught and the way you studied, plus any suggestions you’d like to make to help make things go more smoothly or make things more understandable. You will receive 100 points toward your HW grade if you turn it in or 0 points if you do not turn it in. 
I expect a lengthy paragraph each time that shows you have reflected on the above each chapter.

5. Writing and Speaking Assignments (Compiti scritti): 

A combination of written and oral formal assignments will be assigned each chapter with topics and expectations explained at the time of the assignment. Note: Electronic translation programs may not be used. However, I encourage the use of electronic dictionaries and conjugation programs, especially Need help pronouncing something in another language? Try

6. Quizzes, final exam, and project (esami):

There will be 5 quizzes, two per chapter; they will be given during regular class time.

Written and listening final exam (esame finale): is cumulative (chapters 1-3), but mostly focused on chapter 3.

Progetto finale will be explained in more detail later in the semester.

7. Miscellaneous

  •  There is no extra credit in this class.  Please do not request it.
  •  Late homework will, in most cases, not be accepted. When it is, a student will earn 50% of the grade.
  • Stay on top of your grades throughout the semester.  They can be found under Gradebook on Reggienet. Do not come talk to me for the first time when there are only a few weeks of school left.

8. Cultural Activities: Ora di Conversazione and films:

In order to foster a sense of community within our Italian program, and to encourage you to use Italian socially outside of the classroom, students enrolled in Italian 111, 115, & 221 this semester will be expected to participate in Italian Conversation Groups, moderated by the 111 and 115 Italian instructors and Italian Club. Each 111 student is required to attend two convo hours.  Days and times TBA

La tavola – Italian Club:

We hope that you will join the Italian Club, La tavola.

Cineforum: Italian Film Series Fall 2022
Learn more about the rich tradition of Italian cinema through Film Series! In order to promote an immersive experience in Italian language and culture, students enrolled in Italian 111 are required to attend/watch at least ONE of the three films offered this semester.  One film will be shown per month: Thurs. Sept 22; Tues. Oct 17; Thurs. Nov. 10, time TBA, but in the evening.

9. Life at college can get very complicated. 

Students sometimes feel overwhelmed, lost, experience anxiety or depression, struggle with relationship difficulties or diminished self-esteem. However, many of these issues can be effectively addressed with a little help. Student Counseling Services (SCS) helps students cope with difficult emotions and life stressors. Student Counseling Services is staffed by experienced, professional psychologists and counselors, who are attuned to the needs of college students. The services are FREE and completely confidential. Find out more at or by calling (309) 438-3655.

10. Accommodations. 

Any student needing to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability and/or medical/mental health condition should contact Student Access and Accommodation Services at 350 Fell Hall, (309) 438-5853, or visit the website at

Land Acknowledgement
I want to acknowledge the Očhéthi Šakówin, Myaamia, Peoria, and Kiikaapoi (Kickapoo) Peoples past and present of this area, on whose ancient and sacred land I live, work, and play. I recognize the ever-present systemic inequities from white peoples’ greed, egotism, and many dishonorable actions (not least of which include genocide and stealing land), and I commit to speaking up with respect about this history of injustice.

Daily work schedule/Programma di lavoro
Autunno 2022

Adjustments to this schedule may be necessary. The online version of this syllabus will always be the most up to date. You are responsible for all changes in the syllabus, whether or not you are in class. You should get contact information of classmates for this purpose.

Prima Settimana – Volare di Domenico Modugno; Lyrics in Italian and in English

Lunedì 22 agosto: Introduzione al corso / sillabo / presentazioni

Martedì 23 agosto SentieriLeggete (read) & imparate (learnUnità 1: lezione 1A – pp. 2-5: Contesti- Come va / Comunicazione VHL : Guardate (watch) Fotoromanzo pp. 6-7completate (complete) gli esercizi 

Mercoledì 24 agosto Praticate in aula (practice in class) Come va?  (in class group exercises 6, 7, 8 on page 4) Introduction to Italian phoentics  l’alfabeto & la pronuncia VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Giovedì 25 agosto Pronuncia e ortografia  (Pronunciation and spelling) – Italian phonetics
VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Seconda Settimana – Per un’ora d’amore di Subsonica/Antonella Ruggiero Lyrics

Lunedì 29 ago. Leggete: Cultura pp. 8-9 Baci dall’Italia / i saluti / Buongiorno, professoressa!  Learn the supplemental vocabulary of l’italiano quotidiano p.9 VHL: Completate gli esercizi 

Martedì 30 ago. Lavoriamo sulla fonetica. – let’s work on pronunciation – For homework, go to the glossary of the book and randomly choose 10 words.  Write them down in your notebook along with the translation and bring them to class for a paired exercise.  Practice how you would pronounce the words, as well as how you would spell them out in Italian.  Intro to nouns and articles.

Mercoledì 31 ago. Sentieri: Leggete: Strutture 1A, pp. 10-11 Nouns 1A.1. VHL: Completate gli esercizi Definite Articles

Giovedì 1 settembre. Sentieri:  Leggete: Strutture 1A pp. 12-13 Articles 1A.2. VHL: Completate gli esercizi, Nouns and articles worksheets

Terza Settimana – In Italia di Fabri Fibra e Gianna Nannini; Un caffè per favore!

Lunedì 5 sett. LABOR DAY – non c’è lezione – giorno festivo

Martedì 6 sett. Sentieri: Leggete e imparate: pp. 14-15 Numbers / C’è and ci sono p. 16-17.
VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Mercoledì 7 sett. Completate: Ricapitolazione p 18. 

Giovedì 8 sett. Quiz Unit 1A – first half of class
Presentazione del vocabolario Unità 1B

Quarta settimana Regions in Italy

Lunedì 12 settembre: Unità 1B – Leggete e imparate: pp. 20-23 Contesti: A scuola – /Comunicazione/ Pronuncia e ortografia, VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Martedì 13 sett.: VHL: Guardate Fotoromanzo pp. 24-25; Introduzione ai pronomi soggetto e il verbo essere (to be)

Mercoledì 14 sett.: Leggete pp. 28-30; Strutture 1B.1 Il verbo essere ed i pronomi soggetti; VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Giovedì 15 sett. Leggete pp. 30-31; Aggettivi strutture 1B.2. 32-33 VHL: Completate gli esercizi

and Pratica & Com. pp. 34-35

Quinta settimana Chi ama gli animali?

Lunedì 19 settembre: Scriviamo! (writing activity) assignment #1 You will create sentences using all subject pronouns, the verb essere, and adjectives to describe an image. Consegnare (to turn in) at beginning of class.

Martedì 20 sett.  Leggete pp. 26-27 (before class) All’università/ i voti italiani/ un’università storica
VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Mercoledì 21 sett. Leggete p. 36-37 – Strutture: Telling Time; Completate gli esercizi VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Giovedì 22 sett. Leggete: Panorama pp. 42-43; Pratica & Comunicazione pp. 38-39 VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Sesta settimana Avere fame Giocare o suonare?

Lunedì 26 settembre. Ricapitolazione pp. 40-41 & Lettura pp. 44-45 VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Martedì 27 sett. In classe: Quiz Unità 1B VHL: Completate gli esercizi di ripasso (to review) per l’esame
Journal #1 Due (on Reggienet)

Mercoledì 28 sett. Unità 2Lezione 2A: Leggete pp. 50-53 e imparate: vocabolario – Tempo libero
Guardate: Fotoromanzo; pp. 54-55; VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Giovedì 29 sett. Leggete pp. 56-57 Giochiamo a pallone / i Passatempi, l’italiano quotidiano
VHL: Completate gli esercizi; Vocabolario supplementare

Settima settimana Ti amo!

Lunedì 3 ottobre. Leggete e imparate: Strutture 1B.1 pp. 58-60 Regular –ARE verbs VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Martedì 4 ott. Pratichiamo i verbi –ARE   -battaglia navale VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Mercoledì 5 ott. Leggete e imparate: Strutture 1B.2 pp. 62-64 Irregular –ARE verbs  VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Giovedì 6 ott.: in-class – Battaglia Navale e atri giochi Completate:  Writing assignment #2 w/irreg. verbs due on Reggienet before class starts

 I numeri.pdf cont.; Comunicazione p. 87; Prepare #2, #4 before class; Panorama, pp. 90-91

Ottava settimana

Lunedì 10 ottobre: Ri-guardate/ ri-leggete: Fotoromanzo, pp. 54-55; to review: write down the all the –ARE verbs and the free time activities used in the dialogue.
Review vocab and verbs on Quizlet

Martedì 11 ott. Quiz 2A. Introduzione al vocab.: parlare del tempo (weather)

Mercoledì 12 ott. Leggete e imparate: Lezione 2B pp. 68-71- Vocabolario – Che tempo fa oggi – Guardate: Fotoromanzo, pp. 72-73; VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Giovedì 13 ott. Leggete e imparate: In montagna o al mare p. 74; Che vacanza disastrosa p. 75​
    Strutture 2B.1 pp. 76-77- Il verbo avere VHL: Completate gli esercizi
Avere introduzione.

Nona settimana Prendere una decisione

Lunedì 17 ottobre Cont. AVERE Pratica & Com. pp. 78-79; Leggete: strutture 2B.2 -ERE verbs/piacere pp. 80-81;  VHL: Completate gli esercizi – Info on Presentazione Orale #1

Martedì 18 ott. Cont. –ERE verbs/ verbo piacere pp. 82-83; 
VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Mercoledì 19 ott. Leggete e imparate: I numeri pp.84-85, Pratica p. 86; VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Giovedì 20 ott. Leggete; Panorama, pp. 90-91 & Work on presentazione orale
VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Decima settimana

Lunedì 24 ottobre: A lezione: Presentazione orale #1 – cosa mi piace fare nel tempo libero. Upload written work to ReggieNet

Martedì 25 ott. Quiz Unità 2B. VHL : Completate gli esercizi di ripasso per l’esame e review Quizlet
Journal #2 Due (on Reggienet)

Mercoledì 26 ott. Unità 3: Lezione 3A Leggete e imparate pp.98-101- Lezione3A  La famiglia;
Leggete: La famiglia italiana pp. 104; Festa della mamma e del papà p. 105; VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Giovedì 27 ott. Guardate Fotoromanzo pp. 102-103;  intro agli aggettivi possessivi.  Info su presentazione orale #2, Possessive practice (page 2)

Undicesima settimana

Lunedì 31 ottobre: Strutture 3A.1 – Aggettivi possessivi p. 106-107; VHL: Completate gli esercizi – compiti per il weekend: albero genealogico

Martedì 1 novembre: Presentazione orale #2: preparate e portate il vostro l’albero genealogico reale o ideale da presentare in classe.  VHL: Completate gli esercizi; OgnissantiOgnissanti2​;

Mercoledì 2 nov. Leggete e imparate: Strutture 3A.2 pp. 110-111: Preposizioni semplici e articolate
VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Giovedì 3 nov. Cont. preposizioni articolate pp. 112-113, #1-4 p. 112 prima; Sentieri: Leggete e imparateRegular –ire verbs.pdf, pp. 114-115; VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Dodicesima settimana

Lunedì 7 nov. Continue work on –ire verbs, possessive adjectives, and prepositions
VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Martedì 8 nov. Election Day – non c’è lezione. Writing assignment #3 p. 143 with IRE verbs, possessives, and adjectives.

Mercoledì 9 nov. Quiz Unità 3A VHL: Completate gli esercizi; Preview Fotoromanzo 3A

Giovedì 10 nov. Leggete e imparate pp. 120-123 Lezione 3B Come sono? Pronuncia p. 123              Guardate Fotoromanzo pp. 124-125; Vocabolario supplementare VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Tredicesima settimana

lunedì 14 novembre  Leggete L’amicizia p. 126; Strutture 3B.1 pp. 128-129 Descriptive adjectives
VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Martedì 15 nov. Leggete Strutture 3B.2: pp. 132-133 Interrogatives & Demonstratives VHL: Completate gli esercizi

Mercoledì 16 nov. Interrogatives & Demonstratives and work with IRE verbs cont.; 
Parliamo dei progetti finali

Giovedì 17 nov. Leggete: Panorama: Italiani nel mondo pp. 138-139 VHL: Completate gli esercizi
Writing assignment #3 La Festa del Ringraziamento – due by 6pm

Vacanze autunnali /Festa del Ringraziamento! 19 – 27 nov., 2022

Quattordicesima settimana

Lunedì 28 novembre: Parliamo della festa del Ringraziamento.  Come prepared to talk about what you did over break, and with questions for your classmates.  Work on project drafts.

Martedì 29 nov. Lettura: pp. 140-141 Amici a Quattro zampe + VHL esercizi Complete project drafts due by 5pm

Mercoledì 30 nov. In Ascolto: pp. 142 + VHL esercizi work on pronunciation

Giovedì 1 dicembre Final project drafts with edits due by 5pm work on pronunciation

Quindicesima settimana Ripasso for final exam

Lunedì 5 dic. Review exercises – work on recording projects

Martedì 6 dic. Review exercises – Finish projects. Make sure to share projects with me on One Drive.

Mercoledì 7 dic. Listening part of final. Ripasso for final exam.

Giovedì 8 dic. Final projects watch party! Journal # 3 due (on Reggienet)

Final Exam: The date of the final examination will be on Monday December 12 from 3:10-5:10pm and will be held in STV 352.

Musica da ascoltare

oral exams

pp. 176-177 conoscere/sapere Un giro per i negozi, le tendenze del moment p. 170-171

Lezione 3B – Preview Fotoromanzo pp. 124-125; Contesti, pp. 120-123; Come sono? Lezione 3B – adjectives.pdf; Pronuncia p. 123; Vocabolario supplementare, Italia autentica #1, #2 p. 119; catch up; IRE- verbs ancora; L’amicizia p. 126; pp. 128-129 Descriptive adjectives
Descriptive Adjectives Lezione 3.pdf

pp. 172-173: fate #1-3 p. 174; 

The passato prossimo with avere.pdfPassato prossimo translation to complete by Thursday

Cont. passato prossimo con avere: fate p. 175; Article about pronouncing Italian food names;

Cont. dovere, potere, volere: Fate #1-4 P. 156 prima, p. 157 a lezione; cultura, dire/uscire/venire & disjunctive pronounsFate #1-4 p. 160Strutture pp. 154-155 dovere/potere/volere
Cont. dire, uscire, venire, & disjunctive pronouns: fate p. 161 Comunicazione, battaglia navale? (irreg. verbs); Fotoromanzo, pp.150-151​

Lezione 4B  – Preview Fotoromanzo pp. 168-169; Contesti, pp. 164-167 Facciamo spese.pdf/pronunciasen3e_supplementary_vocabulary_u04.pdf that you may find useful

Cont. conoscere/sapere: fate #103 p. 178 prima, p179 a lezione; Panorama pp. 182-183 Pane di Toni

Fotoromanzo 168-169; ricapitolazione #3 p. 180 prima & #8 p. 181 prima

in-class or online quiz #4 (if we don’t complete 4B until today) 

Answers to ripasso for final exam

Italian Comic

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