Research Interest​s:
We are broadly interested in understanding cellular immunity and host-parasite interactions at both the organismal and molecular levels. We take an integrative approach, using genetics, cell biology, ecology, and bioinformatics techniques to investigate the Drosophila melanogaster-parasitoid wasp interaction. Projects in the lab include:
- Regulation of host signaling by parasitoid venom proteins
- The role of innate immunity in Alzheimer’s Disease pathogenesis
- Molecular genetics of Drosophila melanogaster cellular immunity
- Innate immune receptors: missing-self recognition, self-tolerance and autoimmunity
For More Information:
Cellular Immunology Lab @ ResearchGate
Google Scholar
Lab GitHub
Contact Me:
Nathan T. Mortimer
Assistant Professor of Cellular Immunology
School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University
Email: ntmorti (at) ilstu.edu
Twitter: @NathanTMortimer