The Research Computing Advisory Board (RCAB) provides direction and oversight of the designated resources Technology Solutions makes available to support researchers at ISU. It is a collaborative effort between ISU’s Academic Affairs and Technology Solutions to advance research and scholarly work by lowering the barriers for faculty in all disciplines to access high-end technology resources. The objectives of RCAB are to develop consensus for the needed services, managing those services, building skills, and creating a community that supports campus research. These objectives will be the cornerstone for Technology Solutions to align the people, processes, and technology enabling researchers to focus on their specific work. Any approved sub-committees will have a complementary charter to RCAB’s efforts.
The RCAB at Illinois State University aspires to connect with and support grant efforts of the Normal and Bloomington municipalities, and with Mclean County, and with economic entities within those areas. It will work to create collaborative research efforts with Heartland Community College and Illinois Wesleyan University. It will also look to create communities in the State of Illinois under the auspices of the Illinois Innovation Network. Finally, it will look to create communities with other educational institutions in the wider United States.
Subcommittee Descriptions
RCAB has approved the following sub-committees to address specific areas of emphasis to researchers:
HPC, Data Analytics, Statistical Support, and Data Visualization
- Create and promote an environment that supports the use of high-performance to support faculty research needs
- Ensure that HPC resources are known and easy to access
- Ability for researchers to add resources for the betterment of this resource
- Identify ways to support the statistical needs and questions researchers may have to further their activities
- Designed to bring together faculty, IT staff, and other appropriate experts to promote cutting-edge research into cybersecurity best practices and infusing the curriculum with lessons learned
Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality
- Create and support this fast-changing technology for instruction and research needs of faculty, and ensure that the faculty and students have the tools and spaces they need for ISU to be part of this exciting new landscape
IT Infrastructure
- Assess current infrastructure and make recommendations for future efforts to ensure the campus has the necessary technical foundation upon which researchers can rely upon for their work
- This includes, but is not limited to, the physical infrastructure on campus, use of public cloud resources, and ensuring networking meets speed and capacity demands
For any questions regarding RCAB, please contact Craig Jackson through cejack2@ilstu.edu.
Upcoming Events
- Check back after summer break to see all of the events for the Fall!
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