RCAB is excited to welcome its new Graduate Assistants. Read about them below!
Zétény Nagy

Hello, I am a sonic, visual and multimedia artist born in Budapest, Hungary. I have received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Electroacoustic Music and Media Art from Liszt Academy of Music (Budapest, HU). The focus of my graduate studies is to research and push the boundaries of experimental interactive art forms using cutting-edge technology such as Virtual and Augmented Reality. After I graduate, I am planning to utilize my research by creating artworks that expand on the subjects explored during graduate studies, and to create tools that other artists can use to express their creativity. I am also planning my doctoral studies, where I would like to focus on spatial audio usage in virtual reality.
Miles Howley

Hello, I am a recent graduate of Creative Technologies at Illinois State University. I received an associate degree in Computer Information Systems from Illinois Central College after which I decided to take a more creative route that would still build upon my previous education. This led me to the Creative Technologies program at ISU. Now, I have begun the Creative Technologies master’s program intending to specialize in video production, sound design and 3D-modelling. Once my studies at ISU are complete, I want to use to skills I have gained to enter the world of TV/Film production.
George Jacob

Hello, I am originally from India, the southernmost state of Kerala to be specific. I completed my undergrad in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Kerala Technological University in 2020. I am presently working on my master’s in computer science, and I plan to graduate in May 2023. I enjoy coding and I plan to become a software engineer once I’m done with my studies. Other than that, I love coffee, cars, and sports. I love the American outdoors and I occasionally like to go trekking and kayaking. I also enjoy travelling and eating spicy food. I’m looking forward to the next two semesters. I am excited at the added responsibility that I have now, and I hope to deliver.