Research Experiences for Pre-service and In-service Secondary Mathematics Teachers
Combinatorics, Design Theory, & Graph Theory
June 6 – July 29, 2022
Mathematics Department
Illinois State University
There will be NO 2023 Illinois State Math REU

Benefits for Participants Include:
- $4320 Stipend (Undergraduate Participants)
- $5920 Stipend (Experienced Teacher Participants)
- Plus about $2600 Subsistence if REU is in person (about $1300 if virtual)
- Corresponding Scholarship for ISU Students: $5600
We are looking for
- Seven talented secondary mathematics undergraduates
- Four experienced secondary mathematics teachers
Application Deadline
- March 4, 2022 [Deadline for ISU Students: March 18, 2022]
Your references should email your letters of recommendation to isumathreu@ilstu.edu. Tell them to include your name in the email subject line. [Scholarship Applicants from ISU do NOT need to ask for letters of recommendation.]
Contact Information
- Prof. Saad El-Zanati
- saad@ilstu.edu
- (309) 438-5765
- Prof. David Barker
- dbarker@ilstu.edu
- (309) 438-7096
This REU site is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation – Division of Mathematical Sciences.