Distinguished Professor
Department of Sociology & Anthropology at Illinois State University
(joint appointment in Department of Psychology)

Mailing Address:
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Schroeder 351
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois 61790-4660
Campus Address: Schroeder Hall, Room 351
E-mail: sprecher@ilstu.edu
Brief Biography
Susan Sprecher is a Distinguished Professor at Illinois State University in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, with a joint appointment with Psychology. She received her undergraduate and doctorate degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research, which has spanned over 35 years, has focused on many issues about the social psychology of relationships, including attraction and relationship initiation, love, sexuality, and the influence of social networks. She was the editor of Personal Relationships (2002-2006) and has co-edited several books and handbooks, including The Handbook of Sexuality and Close Relationships (2004, Lawrence Erlbaum), The Handbook of Relationship Initiation (2008, Taylor & Francis), The Science of Compassionate Love (2009; Blackwell-Wiley), and the Encyclopedia of Human Relationships (2009, Sage). She has published over 140 articles and chapters. She has been actively involved in various positions for the International Association for Relationship Research, including a term as President.