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Activities and Interests

My major research interests focus on issues related to personal relationships (romantic pairs, friendships, social networks). I have also conducted research on young adult (premarital) sexuality.​ Most recently, I have been conducting social interaction studies to examine the very earliest stage of relationship formation and the get-acquainted process.

Recent Publications

Sprecher, S. & Hatfield, E. (2022). Ratings of the physical attractiveness of an interaction partner after a getting-acquainted interaction. Personal Relationships, 29, (2), 366-385.

Drouin, M., Sprecher, S., Nicola, R., & Perkins, T. (2022). Is chatting with a sophisticated chatbot as good as chatting online or FtF with a stranger? Computers in Human Behavior.

Sprecher, S., Russell, L. T., Su-Russell, C., & Schmeeckle, M. (2022). Social networks and extended families. In A. Vangelisti (Ed.), Handbook of Family Communication (3rd edition; pp. 277-293). Routledge.

Sprecher, S., & Fehr, B. (2022). The Compassionate Love Scale: In Medvedev, O. N et al. (Eds.), Handbook of Assessment in Mindfulness Research. Springer.

Sprecher, S., & Felmlee, D. (2021). Social network pressure on women and men to enter a romantic relationship and fear of being single. Interpersona: An International Journal on Personal Relationships, 15, 246-261.

Perlman, D., Sprecher, S., & Drouin, M. (2021). Introduction to the special issue on communication technologies and relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships38(12), 3417-3428.

​Recent Publications – cont.

Sprecher, S. (2021; available online in advance of publication) Trends over time in emerging adults’ self-reports of attachment styles. Emerging Adulthood.

Sprecher, S. (2021; available online in advance of publication). The role of expectations for liking and other positive affiliative outcomes in the get-acquainted process that occurs over computer-mediated communication. Current Psychology.

Sprecher, S. (2021; available online in advance of publication). Attachment orientation and reasons for and reactions to “virginity” in college. Current Psychology, 1-10.

Sprecher, S., (2021). Closeness and other affiliative outcomes generated from the Fast Friends procedure: A comparison with a small-talk task and unstructured self-disclosure and the moderating role of mode of communication. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38, 1452-1471.

Sprecher, S. (2021). Social bonding in initial acquaintance: Effects of modality and modality order. Social Psychology Quarterly, 84, 216-234.

Sprecher, S., O’Sullivan, L. F., Drouin, M., Verette-Lindenbaum, J., & Willetts, M. C. (2021. Perhaps it was too soon: College students’ reflections on the timing of their sexual debut. The Journal of Sex Research, 59 (1), 39-52.

Sprecher, S., Treger, S., & Landa, N. (2021). Men and women’s plans for romantic initiation strategies across four settings.  Current Psychology, 40, 3499-3509.

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