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Template Language for Syllabi

If you wish to include language regarding textbooks and textbook affordability in your syllabi or other communications with your students, here are samples that you are welcome to use:

Course Reserves

Milner Library makes some course materials available to students through print and electronic course reserves. Physical items can be checked out from the Circulation Desk that sits on the left as you enter the building. Physical reserve items can be checked out for a 2-hour loan period and can include books, videos, CDs, technology/equipment, and educational tests or kits. Electronic reserves are linked directly in course ReggieNet sites and can include scanned PDFs of book chapters, online articles found in library databases, eBooks, or streaming media.

eTextbook Project Participation

Milner Library purchases electronic copies of textbooks when they are available with licenses that would allow whole classes to use the textbook free of charge. [An ebook / two ebooks / several ebooks] have been purchased for this class to use. You can access the textbook(s) through the Resources tab of the class ReggieNet page or through the library’s online catalog. You are welcome to purchase a print copy of the text if you would prefer not to use the electronic copy. The library owns these eBooks permanently, so you can continue to access it through the library’s catalog for as long as you are affiliated with the university.

Contact Financial Aid Information

If you need assistance paying for textbooks, please reach out to the Financial Aid office to make an appointment with a financial aid counselor and specifically mention that you are seeking help paying for textbooks. The counselor may help investigate options that are available to you, such as a Short-Term Emergency Student Loan.

Textbook Affordability at ISU

The affordability of textbooks and coursematerials is an important issue to many students, faculty, and staff at Illinois State University. For information about textbook affordability, how ISU is attempting to address the issue, and what steps you can take to help manage textbook costs, you can visit the ISU Textbook Affordability Committee’s website at

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