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Dr. Salvatore (Sam) Catanzaro

Dr. Salvatore J. Catanzaro

Welcome to my website.  I am a Professor Emeritus of Psychology. I served as the Associate Vice President for Academic Administration in the Office of the Provost through June 2021.   

Administrative Experience

Assistant/Associate Vice President for Academic Administration-June 2011 to June 2021

Provided leadership on all faculty/academic personnel matters, strategic planning, faculty and administrator professional development, and policy review; unit supervision and facilities coordination.

Highlighted accomplishments

  • Developed hiring and retention programs to support growth of interdisciplinary programs and diversification of the curriculum
  • Directed university-wide leadership development programs for faculty and staff
  • Co-chaired university-wide strategic planning task force and implementation team
  • Initiated development of online resources to support faculty productivity
  • Led major revisions of faculty policies on disciplinary proceedings and on evaluation, reappointment, tenure, and promotion 
  • Founding Advisor, ACE Engage, 2019-2021

Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences-July 2002 to June 2011

Led management of $36.5M budget; supervised faculty program directors, IT units, and professional staff; coordinated faculty affairs, professional development, research support, facilities, and international partnerships; supported outreach and development.

Highlighted accomplishments

  • Initiated and led College faculty development and retention programs (3-year retention rate = 94%)
  • Chaired College Diversity and Retention Implementation Team.  Implementation highlights include: partner hiring guidelines; increased transparency for obtaining grant-matching funds; establishment of publication subvention funds; establishment of College Ombudsperson
  • Chaired College Strategic Planning Task Force
  • Led reorganization and strategic planning for College-wide IT unit 
  • Member, Board of Directors, Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, November 2008 to May, 2011.  Elected position (re-elected to three-year term November 2010)

My Research Interest​s Include:

  • Personality and mood regulation (Visit Jack Mearns’s website on our research on Generalized Expectancies for Negative Mood Regulation)
  • Stress and Coping
  • Emotion
  • Development and application of Cognitive-Social Learning Theories of Personality
  • Psychopathology (especially depression and anxiety)

My Teaching Experience Includes:

  • Personality
  • Psychopathology
  • Research Methods
  • Higher education leadership and administration

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