You’ll find a list of current and ongoing projects in the labs, recently published papers, and presentations. Our projects included studies funded by internal (ISU) research grants, external funders (AfroVegan Society), and independent projects led by Dr. Mercier or students in the lab.
Anti-Black Racism and Colorism Research
Current Projects:
Mercier, C., Duong, M**., Mangold, A.**, & Vashist, S.* Skin Deep: A Qualitative Investigation of Gendered Racism and Colorism (Funded by New Faculty Initiative Grant ($3,500)) (Data Analysis)
Recently Published Papers:
Mercier, C. M., Landor, A., & Sutton, N. (2024, April 18 – 19). Skin tone matters: The intersectional stress of racism and colorism for Black women. In Mercier, C.M. (Chair).Skin Deep: Considerations for Psychological Examination of Colorism. [Invited symposium]. 2024 Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL, United States.
Mercier, C. and Bychowski, J.* (2023, August 3 – 5). More than Race: A Relational Cultural Approach to Colorism [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention.
Mercier, C., Abbott, D. M., & Ternes, M. (2021, August 12-14). “The cumulative stress of being Black and now this, too”: How Black Americans cope during COVID-19 [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Online.
Papers in Progress/In Press/Under Review:
Mercier, C., Bychowski, J.**, and Yang, W**. (In Press). Skin deep: A relational cultural approach to colorism. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.
Mercier, C., Banks, B., Concepción Cabán, L. & Duong, M.**. Testing Colorism as Minority Stress among Women of Color (WoC) [Under Review]
Vegetarianism Research
Current Projects:
The Experiences of Black Vegans: A Qualitative Investigation (Funded by the AfroVegan Society) (Caitlin Mercier)
Recently Published Papers:
Mercier, C. (2024). Centering veg*ns of color: An intersectional imperative to anti-veg*n stigma. Journal of Health Prevention and Promotion. Advance online publication.
Mercier, C. (2023, June 22-24). “Black feminist approaches to anti-Black racism and speciesism” [Poster presentation]. Animal Advocacy Conference, University of Kent, Cantebury, UK.
Mercier, C., Abbott, D. M., & Ternes, M. (2023, August 3-5). What’s the Beef with Veg*ns?: A Qualitative Investigation of Anti-Veg*n Stigma. [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
Manuscripts in Progress
Mercier, C., Abbott, D. M., & Ternes, M. “The Veg[*]n Jokes Get Old”: A Qualitative Investigation of Anti-Veg*n Stigma (In Preparation)