Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope
The ISU Advanced Bioimaging Facility is open to users from throughout the Midwest region. The Facility features a 2019 Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope with White Light Laser and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) capability. The SP8 is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. See the award page for more details.
See the Videos page for a discussion of the facility and some of the available applications.
For scheduling and user information please contact Kevin Edwards, kaedwar@ilstu.edu
Training courses: The graduate training course for the SP8 is BSC 356/411 Confocal Microscopy in Biology. Students: BSC 411 has 1 hr per week of lecture or practice time from 1-1:50 on Fridays, and a separate 75 min of training per week at the SP8. The lab section schedule will be determined once we know everyone’s availability. There is limited space, so please email kaedwar@ilstu.edu if you plan to enroll. Undergraduates: BSC 356 is the undergrad SP8 training course, and runs concurrently with BSC 411; contact Dr. Edwards for an override. Note BSC 356/411 will not be offered in Fall 2025; contact Dr. Edwards for individual training.