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This picture was taken during a symposium on
collaborative research at the 2013 APA conference in Honolulu, HI.

My current research is on workplace anger, incivility, prejudice and discrimination based on gender, race-ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability, as well as social change and terrorism through a multicultural and cross-cultural perspective, which enlarges the range of hypothesis testing. I welcome graduate students from any sequence who are interested in minority issues to join my cross-cultural lab. I am also a mentor to undergraduates interested in research apprenticeship opportunities (e.g., independent study–PSY 290), which allow them to learn valuable skills, such as working as a team, managing data, collecting data, and interacting with research participants. Feel free to stop by my office in DeGarmo Hall, room 409, to discuss this opportunity further. A list of conference presentations during 2013 is available below. For information on other presentations, book chapters, or articles, see my curriculum vitae by clicking here (PDF format).

DeSouza, E. R. (2013, July-August). Definitions of Peace and Reconciliation in Latin America. In A. J. Consoli & J. L. Gibbons (Chairs), International Collaborations throughout the Americas: Exemplary Practices. Symposium presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

DeSouza, E. R., Schneider, K. T., & Durst, R. M. (2013, July-August). Links between Spirituality at Work and Job-Related Attitudes in a Non-Profit Organization. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

Chang, T. K., & DeSouza, E. R. (2013, July-August). A Comparison of Racial Microaggressions Between Chinese and Asian Indian Americans. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.

Aguilera, A. V., DeSouza, E., & Gomez, M. C. P. (2013, July). Reaccione de Estudiantes Chilenos ante Escenarios Hipotéticos de Desastres [Reactions of Chilean Students to Hypothetical Scenarios]. Paper presented at the XXXIV Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Brasília, Brazil.

DeSouza, E. R., Terhorst-Miller, H., & Hesson-McInnis, M. (2013, May). College Students’ Views Toward Diversity as Mediators of Anti-Affirmative Action Values. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

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