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Creating file download pages

Suppose you have a bunch of files you want to make available for download. The easiest way is to create a new page, and put file links on it that call up media folder items. Here’s four example links to show you what it looks like:

Download links look like this

OK that’s great but how

The process has only six steps, and step six is just “Admire your work”. Steps one, two, and three are preparatory, then you just repeat four and five to make as many links as you want:

  1. Upload the files you want to include, to the Media Library on your site
  2. Create a page, and give it a title like “How to make file download pages”
  3. Fill a block of explanatory text at the top of the page
  4. Create a new block item “File” and choose “Media library”
  5. Select the file you want to include. Change the Title field to whatever text you want to appear, then click “Select”. The Download link is automatically created with the text you entered.
  6. Boom! Check out your download link, lookin’ all official and whatnot! Just repeat steps four and five as many times as needed.


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