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Remote Desktop using the Citrix portal

Laptop user, instructed to use Lite version of Citrix portal
The ‘Lite’ version works even on very simple computers

What is Remote Deskop? You are out of the office, with just about any computer, but on screen you see your actual office computer. There’s your favorite programs, right where you always see them. Your network drives are also connected. You’re just seeing it from a different chair, that happens not to be in your office.

This scenario has just gotten a lot easier for many faculty and staff at Illinois State University. The campus has rolled out a Citrix Portal you can use, instead of the somewhat complicated “VPN, Windows Remote Desktop, Machine Name, Alternate User, etc. etc.” method.

To get started, please see the Technology Support Center article;
Accessing your work computer using Citrix remote client

The links below are PowerPoint and PDF sets of screenshots for reference.

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