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David W. Borst Memorial Fund

David W. Borst

This scholarship fund was established as a memorial to my late colleague Dave Borst.

It provides an annual scholarship for an academically outstanding undergraduate student pursuing research in Biological Sciences.

You can also find out more about this scholarship fund at the Supporting Students: Scholarships, Fellowships, and Awards page. 

To make a donation:

  1. Follow this link to the Online Giving page.
  2. Click “click here to choose the designation(s) for your gift”
  3. From the “Fund Designation​ Tree” choose
  4. ​College of Arts & Sciences
    Biological Sciences
    Dr. David W. Borst, Jr. Memorial Restricted Fund

Borst Scholarship 2019:
Cecilia Canizela

Cecilia Canizela

To find out more about Cecilia and her research see my page on Awards won by my students.

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