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Current Courses

Since retiring in May 2022, I am no longer teaching formal courses. I continue to have graduate and undergraduate students pursuing research in my lab.

Rainforest Ecology (BSC 311) class of 2018. Left to right Daniel Goldberg, Dalton Renner. Toby Bassingthwaite, Anna Scheidel, Audrey Harrod, Ceara Abbott, Karly Cazatto, Kasie Chappell, Micaela Ryan, Nick Marchini

Previous Course​s I have Taught

Tropical Rain Forest Ecology (BSC 311 Coming sometime-[Syllabus 2018] Team taught with some combination of: Ben Sadd, and Rachel Bowden. This field course has two components. During Fall semester students participate in a seminar course. In December, students go on a 10-day field trip to the La Selva Research Station, Costa Rica. There they conduct independent research projects, learn rain forest ecology and natural history, and learn about ongoing research at La Selva. A recent flier for the course is HERE.

Entomology (BSC 301)-[ 301 Syllabus 2020] This is an undergrad/grad course that covers biology of the insects.

Entomology course in the news:

Biostatistics/Biostatistics Lab (BSC 490 / 420.27) [ Bsc490 syllabus 2019.pdf ]This is a graduate course introducing students to applied statistics and data analysis using SAS. The goal is to prepare graduate students for using and understanding common statistical methods in Biological Sciences. It is offered every Fall semester. I alternate teaching duties with Diane Byers.

Graduate Seminar in Ecology (BSC 420.03)-[Syllabus 2020] Readings and discussion of advanced topics in Ecology.

Ecology (BSC 201)-[201 Sp 2014 syllabus.pdf] This is a required course for majors in Biological Sciences. It is offered every fall and spring semester. I share teaching duties in this course with Ben Sadd, Bill Perry and Victoria Borowicz.

Graduate Seminar in biomathematics (BSC 420.36)-[Recent Syllabus] Readings and discussion of advanced topics in Biomathematics

Advanced Studies in Biostatistics (BSC 450.37)-[Syllabus 2011] This is a graduate course covering advanced statistical methods used in biological research, including MANOVA, Path Analysis, Logistic Regression, Nonlinear Regression, Meta-analysis, & Randomization Tests. It is offered irregularly.

Community Ecology (BSC 405)-[Syllabus 2019] This graduate course covers the ecology of communities of plants and animals. It is offered approximately every other year.

Biological diversity (BSC 196) – This introductory undergraduate course covers the ecology, evolution, organism diversity, and plant structure and function. Team taught

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