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Counselling Services

Make An Appointment

If you are like most people, you will encounter a number of life events while at ISU that will leave you confused, anxious, angry or sad. While life situations often work themselves out, sometimes they linger and require assistance. Student Counseling Services offers a variety of options to meet your unique needs. All of these services are free and confidential!

Triage at SCS

First Appointment

Triage is implemented in many healthcare and mental health settings and is a process determining the most appropriate treatment and services based on someone’s needs. At your Triage appointment, you and your counselor will identify the most pressing issues bringing you to SCS. As a result of this conversation, a recommendation for the most appropriate services will be made based on our Stepped Care Model.

Length of the Triage Appointment

Triage appointments are brief 20–30-minute appointments. The purpose of triage is to provide readily accessible appointments to students, and efficiently make treatment recommendations based on a student’s present concerns.

What should I do if I am in crisis?

If you are in crisis, please do not use the online scheduling button to request an appointment. Instead, if it is during normal business hours, please either call ((309) 438-3655) or walk in (320 Student Services Building) and request to speak with the on call counselor. If you have an emergency after our normal weekday business hours or on the weekend, please call the Student Counseling Services main number at (309) 438-3655. You will be given the option to press “2” to speak to a counselor immediately, or dial 1-855-256-2188. The counselor will provide information, support, referrals, and, if needed, will arrange for emergency services. Information about crisis services can be found here.

Information About Appointments at SCS

For helpful information about appointments at SCS, cancellation policy, rescheduling, and more, refer to the Information Regarding Appointments document.

Online scheduling is unavailable during the summer. To schedule a triage, please call the SCS main office number at (309) 438-3655.

Student Counseling Services

Group Counseling

  • Only available to students in Illinois
  • No limits on group counseling
  • Meet weekly for 90 minutes
  • Groups are facilitated by SCS staff
  • Typically have 8 to 10 students in each group
  • Topical groups:
    • Students of Color
    • LGBTQ+
    • Eating Disorders/Body Image
  • Offers students a chance to connect with peers who share similar struggles

Individual Counseling

  • Only available to students in Illinois
  • Short-term approach to therapy
  • Students typically attend between 2 and 8 one-on-one sessions
  • Limited to 12 sessions an academic year and 20 during an academic degree
  • Students typically attend biweekly, 50 minute sessions
  • Great for students looking to develop skills and strategies to overcome life’s challenges

To schedule your initial appointment, call (309) 438-3655 or stop by room 320 of the Student Services Building. During your first appointment, a professional counselor will work with you to help you clarify your concerns and explore if ongoing counseling or other services are needed.

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