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McLauchlan Laboratory Website

Craig C. McLauchlan

Research Interests: Inorganic and organometallic syntheses, chalcogenides, bio-mimetic model complexes, coordination chemistry, chemical education, X-ray crystallography, student-response devices/clickers, NMR spectroscopy, and air-sensitive manipulations.

Currently, the McLauchlan Group research interests lie with vanadium coordination chemistry, with one conceived project focused on materials and catalysis and another involving bio-mimetic activity of V complexes. These topics have been chosen with student interests and education in mind in that they each expose students to a variety of synthetic and characterization techniques while pursuing some intriguing chemical problems. 

Bio-mimetic and Catalytic Coordination Chemistry

Upcoming Speaking Engagements:

  • ​Please contact CCM if you are interested in having him come visit.​

Recent Engagements:


Contact Me:

Craig C. M​cLauchlan
Department of Chemistry
Illinois State University
Campus Box 4160​
Phone: (309) 438 – 7019
Department Fax: (309) 438-5538
Office: Julian Hall 222 
Email Me​

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